




Shouldn't we be able to use Universal Links into Amazon on iOS? They are hosting this file: https://www.amazon.com/apple-app-site-association and this blog post seem to be certain of it. However, if I make a link that follows one of their site-association rules, such as

我一直直接转到Safari而不是应用程序。我从未从Amazon应用程序中单击 Back to X (返回X),所以它不可能是让我感到困扰的缓存。

I keep getting directed to Safari instead of the app. I have never clicked Back to X from the Amazon app, so it can't be that cache that is messing with me.


通用链接 do 可与iOS上的Amazon应用一起使用。我测试了示例(),并按预期方式打开了该应用。

Universal Links do work with the Amazon app on iOS. I tested the example (http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0062273205) on iOS 9.2.1, and it opened the app as expected.


Have you have scrolled all the way to the top of the Amazon page? There should be a banner like this that will forward you to the app. If not, I suppose it's conceivable that your copy of the Amazon app didn't correctly register for Universal Links when first installed. You could try deleting it and reinstalling.


08-07 02:49