



我是新手,不知道如何使用SQL开发人员.我是否需要Oracle数据库才能在Windows 10中安装这些hr和sys用户是什么,以及如何知道他们的密码.请帮助我,我知道这个问题被问过很多次了,但实际上,相信我,我已经搜索了很多,但是找不到有效的解决方案.



因此您安装了Oracle SQL Developer,却不知道下一步该怎么做?


I am a newbie don't know how to use SQL developer. whether I need Oracle database for installing in windows 10 what are these hr and sys users and how to know their passwords. please help me I know this question is asked many times but really, believe me, I have searched a lot but can't find a working solution for it.

Screenshot of my pc:


So you installed Oracle SQL Developer, and you don't know what to do next?

Here's the answer in long-form, with lots of pictures and links.

The short answer: SQL Developer is JUST a client. You need a server to connect to, and that server IS the Oracle Database.

You can get your own running on the same machine as SQL Developer. Oracle XE is free and lightweight.

Or you can get our VirtualBox appliance that has everything already going - a database with test data, hands-on-learning labs, and much more - also FREE.

Of the two, I recommend VirtualBox, because it's more up to date, and it's juts an image - it won't 'pollute' your machine in case you decide to stop using the DB. You can just nuke the image.


08-07 01:27