本文介绍了Eclipse:Content Assist不显示建议的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我使用的是Win 10(64位),并且已经在Eclipse Photon和版本2018-09(两次都是64位版本)中进行了尝试,但是两种方式我都得到了相同的结果:

I'm using Win 10 (64bit) and I've tried this with Eclipse Photon and version 2018-09 (64 bit version both times) but I'm getting the same result with both:

我创建了一个新项目(文件>新建>项目...:JavaScript> JavaScript项目)和一个JavaScript脚本(文件>新建> JavaScript源文件).如果输入

I created a new project (File > New > Project...: JavaScript > JavaScript Project) and a JavaScript script (File > New > JavaScript Source File). If I type

function test() {
    var inputField = doc

然后按 + ,它应该给我一个建议列表,但列表只显示无默认建议" .如果在写完文档后再次按 + .列表仅显示"MISSING" .

then press +, it should give me a list of suggestions but instead the list only says "No Default Proposals".If I press + again after writing document. the list only says "MISSING".

在HTML文件的< script></script> 部分内编写代码将导致相同的空白窗口.对于HTML和CSS的建议通常可以奏效,但有时窗口甚至根本无法打开,如果我写的是< sty ,没有关于< style> 的建议.

Writing code inside the <script></script> part of an HTML file results in the same empty window.Suggestions for HTML and CSS often work but sometimes the window doesn't even open in the first place and if I write e.g. <sty, there's no suggestion for <style>.


I can train Eclipse in a way if I write e.g.:

var inputField = document.getElementById("inputField");
inputField.style = "red";

再次编写 inputField 后,按 + 会提示样式" .这仅在同一个文件中有效,如果我在不同的脚本中获得了相同的输入字段,则不建议使用"style" .

Pressing + after writing inputField again suggests "style". This only works within the same file, if I get the same input field in a different script, there's no suggestion for "style".

我没有更改任何设置( Window> Prerferences ):

I haven't changed anything about the settings (Window > Prerferences):

  • JavaScript>编辑器>内容辅助:未选中启用自动激活"(我不希望这样做),并且启用它不会更改任何内容
  • JavaScript-编辑器-内容辅助-高级:单击(我尝试检查除"Word Proposals"之外的所有内容,但没有任何变化)
  • Web> HTML文件>编辑器>内容辅助:所有内容均已检查
  • Web> CSS文件>编辑器>内容辅助:所有内容均已检查
  • JavaScript > Editor > Content Assist: "Enable auto activation" isn't checked (I don't want it to do that) and enabling it doesn't change anything
  • JavaScript - Editor - Content Assist - Advanced: click (I tried checking everything except "Word Proposals" but no change)
  • Web > HTML Files > Editor > Content Assist: Everything is checked
  • Web > CSS Files > Editor > Content Assist: Everything is checked


I'm using Mars.2 for a Java project and everything works fine there, so not sure if it's the version (I don't want to use a version that old for the new JS project) or if Eclipse simply can't handle JS properly.


Any ideas/suggestions what I could try to fix this (without installing extra plugins)?


I just tried 2 more versions: It works with Mars.2 (PHP) but not with Neon. I'd still prefer fixing Photon or 2018-09 though instead of using a version that was released almost 3 years ago.


仅在网络浏览器的上下文中,存在一个文档 ,您可以在其上调用 getElementById .当前的 Eclipse 仅提供现成的常规JavaScript支持.

Only in the context of a web browser there is a document on which you can call getElementById. Current Eclipse offers out-of-the-box only general JavaScript support.

例如, Tern Eclipse IDE 提供您想要的东西:

For example, the Tern Eclipse IDE offers what you want:

  1. 右键单击项目,然后选择 配置>转换为Tern项目...
  2. 选择 浏览器 模块

Tern Eclipse IDE支持两个JavaScript框架,例如.G.如果选择 jQuery 模块,则可以键入 $.并按 + 以获得jQuery特定功能建议.

The Tern Eclipse IDE supports a couple of JavaScript frameworks, e. g. if you select the jQuery module, you can type $. and hit + to get jQuery specific functions proposed.

这篇关于Eclipse:Content Assist不显示建议的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-07 01:00