


  1. 在DB项目displaied页面的http:// ... ITEM_ID = 467
  2. 用户1天的删除该项目
  3. 在谷歌或用户尝试访问的http:// ... ITEM_ID = 467
  4. 在PHP迪格斯到数据库,并认为项目不存在了,所以现在PHP必须告诉谷歌/用户的项目没有通过404页眉和现有的。
  1. DB items are displaied in page http://...?item_id=467
  2. User one day deletesthe item
  3. Google or a userattempts to access http://...?item_id=467
  4. PHP diggs into DB and sees items does not exist anymore, so now PHP must tellGoogle/user that item is not existing via a 404 header and page.

根据这个答案我undertstood没有办法通过PHP重定向到404 Apache的页面,除非发送在$ C C的404头+ $阅读和发送到客户端默认的404页的所有内容。

According to this answer I undertstood there is no way to redirect to 404 Apache page via PHP unless sending in code the 404 header + reading and sending down to client all the contents of your default 404 page.

在万阿英,蒋达清:我已经有一个的Apache解析自定义404 的shtml 页,所以obvioulsy我想简单地使用页面。但是,如果我通过PHP读取的shtml页面就不会被Apache解析了

The probelm: I already have an Apache parsed custom 404.shtml page, so obvioulsy I would like to simply use that page.But if i read an shtml page via PHP it won't be parsed by Apache anymore.






Hmm. Two ideas come to mind:

  • 重定向到使用标题(位置:...)404页 - 这是不符合标准的行为,虽然。我会用这只能作为最后一根稻草

  • Redirect to the 404 page using header("Location:...") - this is not standards-compliant behaviour though. I would use that only as a last straw

取和输出使用Apache-解析SHTML文件的file_get_contents(http://mydomain.com/404.shtml); - 还没有确实的最佳方案,因为一个请求到Web服务器,但是,我认为,在大多数情况下可以接受的。

Fetch and output the Apache-parsed SHTML file using file_get_contents("http://mydomain.com/404.shtml"); - also not really optimal because a request is made to the web server but, I think, acceptable in most cases.

我怀疑有什么事情你可以在的.htaccess 做,因为PHP脚本中的任何重写规则都已经被解析后运行。

I doubt there is anything you can do in .htaccess because the PHP script runs after any rewrite rules have already been parsed.


08-07 00:35