我们可以在同一个集合中拥有 { data: "hello" }, { data: 123 } 甚至在其上创建索引.我很好奇 mongodb 是如何在后台管理索引的.我们不能在不同类型上创建单个 B 树.对?但是,我确实使用了 getIndexes 来查看是否创建了另一个索引,但只创建了一个索引.
We can have { data: "hello" }, { data: 123 } in the same collection and even create a index on it. I'm curious how does mongodb manage the index behind the scene. We can't create single B-tree on different types. Right? However, I did getIndexes to see if another index is created but only one index is created.
There's no problem having two types in the same index. Each key within the index includes the type.
When you query, only objects matching the type you query on will be returned.
因此,如果您查询 {data: "hello"},则只会返回字符串等.
So if you query for {data: "hello"}, only strings will be returned, etc.
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