


I will have a service that runs as administrator and listens on a port. My GUI program will talk to the administrator service for the items that require administrator privileges.


If the service is not yet running, I will need to start it. How can I get my GUI program to run a command as administrator? I assume the user will be asked if they want to continue.

我希望有一个我可以在CMD窗口中键入的东西,因为这应该非常适合我的Java程序。我在想像 run-as-admin javaw my-service.jar 其中 run-as-admin

I am hoping there is something I could type in a CMD window because that should fit very well into my Java program. I am thinking something like run-as-admin javaw my-service.jar where run-as-admin is the command that asks whether to continue or not.



You can't execute a batch file as administrator. You need to create a shortcut to that file and then set the flag in the Shortcut 'Execute as Administrator', if this is really what you want to do.

这从桌面,选择快捷方式,右键单击和属性 - >快捷方式选项卡 - >高级按钮。然后选中以管理员身份复选框。

To do this from the desktop, select the Shortcut, right click and Properties->Shortcut tab->Advanced button. Then check Execute as Administrator checkbox.


To do this programmatically, see How to set "Run as administrator" flag on shortcut created by MSI installer


08-07 00:17