Learning java. When I make a jdbc call with a query in java, how can I store that record. I have seen them being stored in hash collections by more advanced coders but I am not sure how to use the java collections framework to store records and iterate through them. Does anyone have a simple code example they can share and explain for storing records of resultset like a hashmap?
Thank you in advance. sorry for the noob question.
If you are using a framework, then you have to play by the rules of that framework for ORM. If you're rolling your own classes and making JDBC calls on your own, then you can provide a simple "framework" of your own as follows:
- 数据库中的每个表都是一个类
- 表中的每一列都是一个类的实例字段
- 您可以编写一个通用的查询方法将数据作为对象列表返回
- 使用工厂生成要为所使用的查询创建的对象
- Every table in the database is a class
- Every column in the table is a class's instance field
- You can write a generic query method that returns your data as lists of objects
- Use a factory to generate the objects that you wish to create for the queries you use
Here is a simple example of this paradigm:
I have a database Clients, so I will write a class to represent the data model. This class is written using JavaFX properties so that the elements can be represented in a GUI.
public class Client extends DB {
private IntegerProperty id = new SimpleIntegerProperty();
private StringProperty lastName = new SimpleStringProperty();
private StringProperty firstName = new SimpleStringProperty();
public final int getID() {return this.id.get(); }
void setID(int id) { this.id.set(id); }
public final IntegerProperty idProperty() { return this.id; }
public final String getLastName() { return this.lastName.get(); }
public final void setLastName(String ln) { this.lastName.set(ln); }
public final StringProperty lastNameProperty() { return this.lastName; }
public final String getFirstName() { return this.firstName.get(); }
public final void setFirstName(String fn) { this.firstName.set(fn); }
public final StringProperty firstNameProperty() { return this.firstName; }
Client(ResultSet jrs) {
try {
} catch (SQLException ex) {
Logger.getLogger(Client.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
static class ClientFactory implements Callback<ResultSet,Client> {
public Client call(ResultSet jrs) {
return new Client(jrs);
类的实例字段的JavaFX bean定义,以便它们可以与JavaFX框架提供的GUI控件一起使用。
The JavaFX bean definitions for the instance fields of the class so that they may be used with the GUI controls provided by the JavaFX framework.
A constructor which initializes an instance of the Client class with the data contained in the currently indicated row of a ResultSet that is passed as a parameter to the constructor.
A nested static class that provides the factory used to create new Client objects. It is very simple. All the factory does is invoke the constructor for Client by passing a ResultSet row to it. Notice that this class implements the Callback interface to indicate that this factory expects to receive one parameter of the type Resultset and that it will return one result of type Client. I chose to use the Callback interface for this purpose, but the programmer could use his own similar interface for the factory.
To make this homegrown framework work, a home-grown query method can be used similar to the following. This method allows the programmer to query with a single parameter of type long, but it could be easily abstracted to allow a query to be built using a supplied list of parameters:
static <E> ObservableList<E> doGenericQuery(long param,
String sql, Callback<ResultSet,E> factory) {
Connection con = null;
ObservableList<E> queryList = FXCollections.<E>observableArrayList();
try {
con = MyDataBase.getConnection(); // provide your own connection here
PreparedStatement ps = con.PreparedStatement(sql);
ps.setLong(1, param);
ResultSet jrs = ps.executeQuery();
while (jrs.next()) {
} catch (SQLException e) {
Logger.getLogger(DB.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, e);
} finally {
if (jrs != null) try { jrs.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { }
return queryList;
This generic method queries your database and transforms the ResultSet into a List of objects that is based on one of your data model table classes (here an ObservableList because, again, JavaFX). The key line is the generic method call:
Which uses the factory for one of your data model classes (Class E) to build an object for that class E using the row of data currently indicated in your ResultSet.
Building a database app this way has advantages and disadvantages: it may be more performant than relying upon an ORM framework, but it also requires you to do all the database to object mapping footwork. It frees you from dependency upon a framework, but you'll have to write more code, particularly boilerplate.
If your application is simple, or your database is not too complex you may wish to homegrow your own "framework" in a similar way.
这篇关于用于java jdbc结果集的数据结构。在java中handeling jdbc记录的事实标准是什么?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!