(function (window, videojs) { var player = window.player = videojs('videojs-panorama-player', {}, function () { }); var videoElement = document.getElementById("videojs-panorama-player"); var width = videoElement.offsetWidth; var height = videoElement.offsetHeight; player.width(width), player.height(height); player.panorama({ clickAndDrag: true, backToVerticalCenter: false, backToHorizonCenter: false, clickToToggle: true, maxLat: -10, initLat: -10, initLon: -270, rotateX: -Math.PI, NoticeMessage: (isMobile()) ? "please drag and drop the video" : "please use your mouse drag and drop the video", videoType: "fisheye", callback: function () { player.play(); } }); }(window, window.videojs));
此处解释"CORS"的概念: https://developer.mozilla.org/zh-CN/docs/Web/HTTP/CORS
Header add Access-Control-Allow-Methods:"GET,POST,OPTIONS,DELETE,PUT"
I am getting this error when usingvideos-panorama
Dom Exception: Failed to execute 'texImage2D' on 'WebGLRenderingContext': The video element contains cross-origin data, and may not be loaded.
(function (window, videojs) { var player = window.player = videojs('videojs-panorama-player', {}, function () { }); var videoElement = document.getElementById("videojs-panorama-player"); var width = videoElement.offsetWidth; var height = videoElement.offsetHeight; player.width(width), player.height(height); player.panorama({ clickAndDrag: true, backToVerticalCenter: false, backToHorizonCenter: false, clickToToggle: true, maxLat: -10, initLat: -10, initLon: -270, rotateX: -Math.PI, NoticeMessage: (isMobile()) ? "please drag and drop the video" : "please use your mouse drag and drop the video", videoType: "fisheye", callback: function () { player.play(); } }); }(window, window.videojs));
The concept of "CORS" is explained here:https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/CORS
There is an earlier thread here on Stack-Overflow discussing this here:enable cors in .htaccess
To boil it all down, most webservers are happy, if you just supply them witha two-line file named".htaccess", containing these 2 lines:
Header add Access-Control-Allow-Origin "*"
Header add Access-Control-Allow-Methods: "GET,POST,OPTIONS,DELETE,PUT"
这篇关于Ionic 3,videojs-panorama在Android中不支持,出现错误DOMException:无法在上执行'texImage2D'的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!