

是否可以使用userdata在Lua w/o中获得析构函数?

Is it possible to get destructors in Lua w/o using userdata?

http://www.lua.org/notes/ltn006.html 外观承诺(实际上正是我想要的);除了它是Lua 4.0的路径.

http://www.lua.org/notes/ltn006.html looks promising (in fact exactly what I want); except it's a path for Lua 4.0.


Basically, I want a way to have a function called when a table is collected.





The Lua Users' Lua FAQ states:

通常,无需在表上设置析构函数,因为该表将被自动删除,并且该表包含的所有引用都将被正常垃圾回收.一个可能的解决方法是创建一个用户数据.使该表成为用户数据的环境表,并在该表中放置一个对用户数据的引用. (确保这是对userdata的唯一引用.)当表变为可收集表时,将运行userdata的__gc元方法;否则,该方法将运行. Lua实际上不会在此之前销毁该表,因为该表已由userdata引用.

Normally, there is no need to set a destructor on a table, since the table will be deleted automatically, and any references the table contains will then be garbage collected normally. A possible workaround is to create a userdata; make the table the userdata's environment table, and place a reference to the userdata in the table. (Make sure that this is the only reference to the userdata.) When the table becomes collectable, the userdata's __gc metamethod will be run; Lua will not actually destroy the table before that happens because the table is referenced by the userdata.


So there you go, you will have to manually wrap your tables in userdata if you want to get the __gc event.


08-06 23:39