


FlurryAgent.onEvent(String eventId, Map<String, String> parameters)


in an android activity to track events with flurry ?


最简单的使用的onEvent 的是不带参数。

The simplest use of onEvent is without parameters.


Let's say we're writing a game and you want to track how many people start the game and how many complete it. You would then have:

FlurryAgent.onEvent("Started game");

FlurryAgent.onEvent("Won game");


at appropriate points in your code.


If you want to know more information about the state of the application when an event occurred, you can add parameters to track additional information like this:

HashMap<String, String> parameters = new HashMap<String, String>();
parameters.put("Final score", String.valueOf(score));
parameters.put("Time taken", String.valueOf(secondsElapsed));
FlurryAgent.onEvent("Won game", parameters);


You can have up to 100 different event names, each with up to 10 parameters whose names and values are up to 255 characters long.

通知,要求的onEvent 当你不指定乱舞ID。乱舞源于当前会话ID,因此调用的onEvent 必须调用介于两者之间作出 onStartSession onEndSession - 但如果你按照他们的指引,并在活动的 ONSTART 的onStop ,那么你不必担心。

Notice you don't specify your Flurry ID when calling onEvent. Flurry derives the ID from the current session, so calls to onEvent must be made somewhere between calls to onStartSession and onEndSession - but if you follow their guidelines and put these in your Activity's onStart and onStop then you don't have to worry about that.


08-06 23:00