

在中, __ subclasshook __ 的示例实现是:

In the Python standard library documentation, the example implementation of __subclasshook__ is:

class MyIterable(metaclass=ABCMeta):


def __subclasshook__(cls, C):
    if cls is MyIterable:
        if any("__iter__" in B.__dict__ for B in C.__mro__):
            return True
    return NotImplemented

对于大多数 __ subclasshook __ 成员,CPython的 collections.abc 的实现确实遵循这种格式。它定义的功能。
显式检查 cls 参数的目的是什么?

CPython's implementation of collections.abc indeed follows this format for most of the __subclasshook__ member functions it defines.What is the purpose of explicitly checking the cls argument?


__ subclasshook __ 被继承。 cls是MyIterable 检查可确保 MyIterable 的具体子类使用常规的 issubclass 逻辑,而不是检查 __ iter __ 方法。否则,对于 MyConcreteIterable(MyIterable)类,您将具有 issubclass(list,MyConcreteIterable)返回 True

__subclasshook__ is inherited. The cls is MyIterable check ensures that concrete subclasses of MyIterable use the regular issubclass logic instead of checking for an __iter__ method. Otherwise, for a class MyConcreteIterable(MyIterable), you would have issubclass(list, MyConcreteIterable) returning True.


08-06 22:30