



请告诉我我在做什么错.我已将3d模型加载到自编码的opengl渲染(v 3.3)中,并尝试使用顶点着色器使其像X射线效果一样透明:

Explain me what i'm doing wrong. I have loaded 3d model to self-coded opengl render (v 3.3) and try to make it transparent like xray effect using vertex shader:

#version 330

attribute vec3 coord3d;
attribute vec2 texcoord;
varying vec2 f_texcoord;

uniform mat4 projectionMatrix;
uniform mat4 modelViewMatrix;

layout (location = 0) in vec3 inPosition;
layout (location = 1) in vec4 inColor;

smooth out vec4 theColor;

void main()
    gl_Position = projectionMatrix*modelViewMatrix*vec4(inPosition, 1.0);
    theColor = vec4(0.0,0.2,0.4,0.4);
    f_texcoord = texcoord;



The model was triangulated in editor and draw with:

glDrawArrays(GL_TRIANGLE_FAN, 0, (vertices.at(i)->size()/3));


glEnable( GL_BLEND );
glBlendFunc(GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE);


I see some unwanted triangles or lines:


If i do it without depth test i see multiple triangless inside faces (which i don't want):

我如何摆脱不必要的影响并实现像Google Sketchup这样的X射线效果

How can i rid of unwanted effects and implement x-ray effect like Google Sketchup did it


Should i implement depth sorting if i want all model transparent?




首先,不要禁用深度测试.深度测试在混合之前 进行,以确保正确地丢弃片段,即使启用了混合也是如此.有关每个片段操作及其执行顺序的详细信息,请参阅核心OpenGL 4.4规范的第17.3节.

First of all, don't disable the depth test. The depth test is performed before blending to ensure fragments are correctly dropped, even when blending is enabled. For more information on per-fragment operations and the order in which they are performed, see section 17.3 of the core OpenGL 4.4 specification.


When you disable depth testing, you will get unexpected results unless the order of draw calls is absolutely correct, thus defying the very purpose of depth buffering. And even if you get the order right you cannot expect all side effects to be gone and trying to order every command just the way you need it doesn't work for anything but the simplest programs.


Consider the following, very simple example:

您可以看到3个四边形,其中最远的是通常的tex坐标空间(s,t E [0,1]),一个蓝色四边形与后者交融,还有一个不透明的红色四边形,其假定为在最前面.显然,红色四边形不是在它们的前面,尽管深度值表明不是这样.同样明显的是,目的是将蓝色四边形与红色四边形混合.在蓝色四边形之后渲染红色四边形似乎可以解决该问题,但是如果您绘制另一个应该位于蓝色和红色四边形的 之后的四边形,则只需在禁用深度测试的情况下显示在顶部.都错了.

You can see 3 quads, the farthest visualizing the usual tex coordinate space (s,t E [0, 1]), a blue quad which blends with the latter, and an opaque red quad which is supposed to be in the front. Obviously, the red quad isn't in front, although the depth values indicate otherwise. Also obvious, the intent is to not blend the blue quad with the red quad. Rendering the red quad after the blue quad seemingly fixes the problem, but if you draw another quad which is supposed to be behind both the blue and the red quad, it would simply appear on top with disabled depth testing. This is all wrong.


The yellow quad obscures everything, although it's supposed to go behind the red and blue quad. The correct image is the following, which is obtained purely by enabling depth testing:


My general suggestion would be: unless you have a very good reason to disable the depth test, for instance when rendering overlays and not wanting to hassle with the depth buffer, leave depth testing enabled.


Note: Depth buffering will not solve your problem of usually having to arrange non-opaque geometry back-to-front to get a correct result! If you want to be completely independent of ordering when trying to simulate transparency, look for the usual suspects among the many papers on order independent transparency.



From the looks of it, I assume your using the following blend function:

gl::BlendFunc (gl::ONE, gl::ONE);


or anythin that leads to a steady, successive accumulation of values like

gl::BlendFunc (gl::SRC_ALPHA, gl::ONE);


and the default blend-equation for RGB and alpha components:

gl::BlendEquation (gl::FUNC_ADD);

如果不是这种情况,请添加注释以说明实际值,以便我可以重新检查并可能编辑建议.以下内容仍然适用,因为颜色不会说谎. ;)

If this isn't the case, please add a comment stating the actual values so I can re-recheck and possibly edit my advice. The following still applies because colors just don't lie. ;)


Your second problem is due to z-fighting under projection. Some fragments are correctly discarded, others aren't. Since you obviously have duplicate faces that exactly coincide in some places, it may be possible that for one fragment a slightly higher depth value is generated for the first face. When the second face is rendered, a slightly lower depth value is generated and the fragment passes, leading to overdraw where there should actually be none.

第一个片段已经完成了所有的魔术工作,并且将一个混合值写入了帧缓冲区,并且将深度值写入了深度缓冲区,即,您的脸部一个片段通过了所有测试并与背景.现在是第二个片段,由于深度值稍低,它被 丢弃,并再次与帧缓冲区中已经混合的颜色混合.由于添加了添加剂,您可以获得观察到的结果.在下面的示例中,我使用与您使用的相同的颜色和alpha值重现了这种情况:

The first fragment has already done all the magic and a blended value was written into the frame buffer and the depth value was written to the depth buffer, i.e. you have one fragment of the face that passed all tests and has blended with the background. Now comes the second fragment which is not discarded because the depth value is slightly lower and again blends with the already blended color in the framebuffer. Due to additive blending, you get the results you observed. I reproduced this case in the following example with the same color and alpha values you used:


Problem 3: Your model seems to have a lot of duplicate faces and in general, the triangulation looks horrible. You should really redo it. Understanding and using blending is hard enough as it is. Don't complicate it with sub-optimal data.


08-06 22:01