我无法理解通过webhook来回传递参数的简单方式.我正在尝试使用对话框流和fb Messenger来构建一个简单的机器人.我要求向最终用户显示两个按钮以选择蛋糕类型.我可以使用以下自定义响应显示选项:
I am failing to understand the simple passing of parameters to and fro via webhook. i am trying to build a simple bot using dialog flow and fb messenger. i have requirement to show two buttons to the end user to pick a cake type. i am able to show the options using the below custom response:
"facebook": {
"attachment": {
"type": "template",
"payload": {
"template_type": "button",
"text": "What kind of cake would you like?",
"buttons": [
"type": "postback",
"payload": "witheggs",
"title": "Contain Eggs"
"type": "postback",
"payload": "noeggs",
"title": "Eggless"
once user tap one of the two buttons then how do i set it to some variable in dialog flow and then ask next set of question?
I guess you're missing few steps here. Before, I explain you what to do, be sure to know what a postback
is! Postback
, when tapped, the text is sent as a user query to dialogflow.com.
Step-1: I created an intent with custom payload as follows:
Step-2: Now, I created a new intent where I have entered user says as noeggs
which is of type postback
& payload as noeggs
the in previous image.
第3步:保存并保存在FB Messenger中进行测试.
Step-3: Save & test it in FB Messenger.
So basically, what has happened here is, when you click on Eggless button, postback as noeggs
is sent as user query to dialogflow.com where there is an intent which matches user says with noeggs
& sends response back.
这篇关于将选定的按钮值从fb Messenger传递到对话框流的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!