


I am trying to add a second part to my npm bundle script. The first part runs great, however I am trying to copy in 3 files along with the bundle.


"bundle": "NODE_ENV=production webpack --output-file bundledFile.js && cp package.json dist/",

NODE_ENV =生产webpack --output-file bundledFile.js 有效本身很棒。无效的部分是&& cp package.json dist / ,我希望脚本能将我的package.json(以及其他2个文件实际上,但只是从这一个开始)复制到dist文件夹。这些脚本全新,任何想法如何解决?感谢任何建议,谢谢!

The NODE_ENV=production webpack --output-file bundledFile.js works great by itself. The part that is not working is the && cp package.json dist/, I would like the script to copy my package.json (along with 2 other files actually, but just starting with this one) to the dist folder. Brand new to these scripts, any idea how to fix? Appreciate any advice, thanks!



The syntax should work (and seems to, looking at your comments). I would suggest splitting your npm scripts across multiple points, though:

  "bundle": "NODE_ENV=production webpack --output-file bundledFile.js",
  "copy": "cp package.json dist/ && cp README.md dist/ && cp .npmrc dist/",
  "build": "npm run bundle && npm run copy"

为了实现跨平台兼容(Windows上通常不提供 cp ),我还建议在某处添加构建文件,例如。 /tools/copy-distrubution-files.js 这将使用 fs 来,然后使用节点在npm脚本中调用它./tools/copy - 配送-files.js 。这将(通常)与平台无关(你仍然必须假设节点可用作nodejs可执行文件,但这对我来说似乎相当合理)。

In order to be cross-platform compatible (cp is not typically available on windows), I would also suggest adding a build file somewhere such as ./tools/copy-distrubution-files.js which would make use of fs to copy the necessary files, then call it in the npm scripts with node ./tools/copy-distribution-files.js. That will be (mostly) platform independent (you still have to assume that node is available as the nodejs executable, but that seems fairly reasonable to me).


08-06 20:21