


When build my solution, I got an error:

错误 116 命令 "nuget install "C:MycodeTestsomeClassLibsWCFServiceHostsMonitorpackages.config" -o "C:MycodeTestSomeClassLibsWCFServiceHostsMonitorpackages.config"" 退出,代码为 9009

我用的是 VS 2012,谢谢.

I use VS 2012, Thanks.


错误 9009 表示 Visual Studio 找不到可执行文件 - 通常是在构建前或构建后步骤中使用的可执行文件.在这种情况下,NuGet 似乎是问题的根源.

Error 9009 means that Visual Studio cannot find an executable - typically one used in a pre or post build step. In this instance, it seems that NuGet is the source of the problem.

您是否可能正在使用使用 NuGet 管理依赖项的解决方案(并且可能启用了启用 NuGet 包还原"选项),但您尚未将 NuGet 扩展加载到 Visual Studio 2012 中?

Is it possible that you are using a solution that manages dependencies using NuGet (and probably has the "Enable NuGet package restore" option enabled), but you haven't yet loaded the NuGet extension into Visual Studio 2012?

要确认是否是这种情况,请转到工具"菜单,然后单击扩展和更新",选择已安装并在搜索框中键入 nuget 扩展和更新表单的右上角.如果它已安装,您应该会看到它与版本号一起列出 - 例如 2.4.40116.9051,我认为这是我键入时的最新版本.如果您没有找到它,请从扩展和更新"表单左侧的列表中选择在线".找到 NuGet 包管理器条目(很可能是列表中的第一项),然后单击下载"以获取它.

To confirm if this is the case, go to the Tools menu, and click "Extensions and Updates", select installed and type nuget into the search box at the top right corner of the Extensions and Updates form. If it's installed, you should see it listed with a version number - for example 2.4.40116.9051 which I believe is the most recent release as I type this. If you don't find it, select "online" from the list on the left hand side of the Extensions and Updates form. Locate the NuGet Package Manager entry (quite possibly the first item on the list) and click "download" to grab it.


08-06 20:15