我尝试通过命令在生产中运行服务器风帆:sails lift --prod
I try to run server sails in production via command: sails lift --prod
then I have error:
VM448 production.min.js:1 WebSocket 连接到 'ws://localhost:1337/socket.io/?__sails_io_sdk_version=1.2.1&__sails_io_sdk_platform=browser&__sails_io_sdk_language=javascript&EIOport=websocket' 失败:WebSocket 握手期间出错:意外响应代码:400
当我通过以下方式在开发环境中运行服务器时:sails lift
When I run server in development environment via: sails lift
that works well.How can I fix this problem?
为了解决这个问题,我在位于 config/env/production.js 的 production.js 中添加了站点链接.我在位于 sokets 的 onlyAllowOrigins 中添加了链接.
For fix this problem I added links of site in production.js that locates in config/env/production.js.I added links in onlyAllowOrigins that locates in sokets.
onlyAllowOrigins: [
// 'https://staging.example.com',
这篇关于将 WebSocket 连接航行到 'ws:的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!