我正在处理一个紧急项目,其中涉及对Agiletoolkit filestore
i am working on an urgent project which involves implmentation of filestore
of Agiletoolkit
我在这里浏览了文档=> http://agiletoolkit.org/doc/filestore
i went through the doc here => http://agiletoolkit.org/doc/filestore
$p->add('H4')->set('Previously Uploaded Files');
$g->dq->limit(5)->order('id desc');
Q1.我知道我不需要在这里使用MVCGrid插件,但是为什么在此示例中它被提及? (让我感到困惑)
Q1. I know i don't need to use MVCGrid addon here but why is it mentioend in this example? (its confusing me )
Q2. Filestore是一个控制器,我可以得到它..所以,如果我希望在多个页面上使用它,是否可以将其添加到API中?
Q2. Filestore is a controller i get that .. so if i want it on multiple pages, do i add it in the API ?
Q3.如果假设我在api中添加类似内容,我可以在所有页面中使用它吗?如果是,那怎么办? $ this-> api->什么?
Q3. If suppose i add something like that in api can i use it in all pages ? if yes then how ? $this->api-> WHAT ?
There was a small bug in filestore which is fixed now. So it should work fine. It was a bug in sql queries that were imported.