I've seen some approaches about parsing program arguments. They seem to be too complicated. I need a simple solution. But I also want to be able (preferably, not necessarily) to refer to the arguments by name. So if a command like looks like this:
./MyApp --arg1Name arg1Value --arg2Name arg2Value
然后我想把它们当作 args [arg1Name]
和 args [arg2Name]
then I'd like to treat them as args["arg1Name"]
and args["arg2Name"]
to get their values. I know that's not a valid Haskell code, though. What I have now is not much:
main = do
[args] <- getArgs
I repeat, I'd like a simple solution, preferably without involving any third-party haskell libraries.
How about just parsing them in pairs and adding them to a map:
simpleArgsMap :: [String] -> Map String String
simpleArgsMap [] = Map.empty
simpleArgsMap (('-':'-':name):value:rest)
= Map.insert name value (simpleArgsMap rest)
simpleArgsMap xs = error $ "Couldn't parse arguments: " ++ show xs
A simple wrapper program to show this working:
module Args where
import System.Environment ( getArgs )
import Control.Applicative ( (<$>) )
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Map ( Map )
main = do
argsMap <- simpleArgsMap <$> getArgs
print $ Map.lookup "foo" argsMap