

本文介绍了用逻辑运算符对子表达式求值的C ++顺序的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



There are lots of questions on concepts of precedence and order of evaluation but I failed to find one that refers to my special case.


if(f(0) && g(0)) {};


Is it guaranteed that f(0) will be evaluated first? Notice that the operator is &&.

我的困惑源于我在"The C ++ Programming Language,(Stroustrup,4ed,2013)"中阅读的内容.

My confusion stems from what I've read in "The C++ Programming Language, (Stroustrup, 4ed, 2013)".


In section 10.3.2 of the book, it says:

int x = f(2)+ g(3); //不确定是先调用f()还是g()

int x = f(2)+g(3); // undefined whether f() or g() is called first


This seems to apply to all operators including && operator, but in a following paragraph it says:


There is also another mention of this in section 11.1.1:

while(p&!whitespace(p))++ p;

while (p && !whitespace(p)) ++p;


Here, p is not dereferenced if it is the nullptr.


This last quote implies that && and || evaluate their 1st argument first, so it seems to reinforce my assumption that operators mentioned in 2nd quote are exceptions to 1st quote, but I cannot draw a definitive conclusion from this last example either, as the expression contains only one subexpression as opposed to my example, which contains two.


&&||,的特殊排序行为在C和C ++中已得到很好的确立.您引用的第一句话应为通常未指定表达式中子表达式的求值顺序"或除少数特定例外情况之外,未指定表达式中子表达式的求值顺序".

The special sequencing behavior of &&, ||, and , is well-established in C and C++. The first sentence you quoted should say "The order of evaluation of subexpressions within an expression is generally unspecified" or "With a few specific exceptions, the order of evaluation of subexpressions within an expression is unspecified".

您问过有关C ++的问题,但此问题 http://c-faq.com/expr/seqpointops.html"rel =" nofollow noreferrer> C常见问题解答列表是相关的.

You asked about C++, but this question in the C FAQ list is pertinent.

附录:我刚刚意识到,在这些规则中,未指定"比未定义"更好.编写类似f() + g()的东西不会给您未定义的行为.您只是无法知道先调用f还是g.

Addendum: I just realized that "unspecified" is a better word in these rules than "undefined". Writing something like f() + g() doesn't give you undefined behavior. You just have no way of knowing whether f or g might be called first.

这篇关于用逻辑运算符对子表达式求值的C ++顺序的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-06 18:09