




Typically you will find STL code like this:

for (SomeClass::SomeContainer::iterator Iter = m_SomeMemberContainerVar.begin(); Iter != m_SomeMemberContainerVar.end(); ++Iter)


But we actually have the recommendation to write it like this:

SomeClass::SomeContainer::iterator Iter = m_SomeMemberContainerVar.begin();
SomeClass::SomeContainer::iterator IterEnd = m_SomeMemberContainerVar.end();
for (; Iter != IterEnd; ++Iter)


If you're worried about scoping, add enclosing braces:

    SomeClass::SomeContainer::iterator Iter = m_SomeMemberContainerVar.begin();
    SomeClass::SomeContainer::iterator IterEnd = m_SomeMemberContainerVar.end();
    for (; Iter != IterEnd; ++Iter)


This is supposed to give a speed and efficiency gain, especially if you are programming consoles, because the .end() function is not called on each iteration of the loop. I just take the performance improvement for granted, it sounds reasonable but i don't know how much and it certainly depends on the type of container and actual STL implementation in use. But having used this style for a couple months now i actually prefer it over the first anyway.

原因是可读性:for行是整洁和整洁。在实际生产代码中使用限定符和成员变量,如果您使用第一个示例中的样式,则很容易使用真正行。这就是为什么我有意在这个例子中有一个水平滚动条,只是为了看到我在说什么。 ;)

The reason being readability: the for line is neat and tidy. With qualifiers and member variables in real production code it is quite easy to have really long for lines if you use the style in the first example. That's why i intentionally made it to have a horizontal scrollbar in this example, just so you see what i'm talking about. ;)


On the other hand, you suddenly introduce the Iter variables to the outer scope of the for loop. But then, at least in the environment i work in, the Iter would have been accessible in the outer scope even in the first example.



如果你把你的代码包装到正确的行,则内联表单将同样可读。此外,您应该始终将 iterEnd = container.end()作为优化:

If you wrap your code into lines properly, the inline form would be equally readable. Besides, you should always do the iterEnd = container.end() as an optimization:

for (SomeClass::SomeContainer::iterator Iter = m_SomeMemberContainerVar.begin(),
    IterEnd = m_SomeMemberContainerVar.end();
    Iter != IterEnd;


Update: fixed the code per paercebal's advice.


08-06 18:02