本文介绍了如何关联两个 pandas 数据帧的标量值的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!







 将pandas导入为pdset1 = pd.DataFrame({1980:[4,11,0],1981:[5,10,2],1982:[0,3,1]},index = pd.Index(['USA','UK','Iran'],name ='country'))set1.columns.name ='年份'set1 
  1980年1981年1982年国家美国4 5 0英国11 10 3伊朗0 2 1 
  set2 = pd.DataFrame({1981:[2,1,10],1982:[15,1,12],1983:[10,13,1]},index = pd.Index(['USA','UK','Turkey'],name ='country'))set2.columns.name ='年份'set2 
 年1981 1982 1983国家美国2 15 10英国1 1 13土耳其10 12 1 


  set3 = pd.DataFrame({1980:[12,11,4],1982:[9,8,11]},index = pd.Index(['USA','UK','Turkey'],name ='country'))set3.columns.name ='年份' 

我们可以通过沿 year 进行堆叠,将它们变成多索引序列,然后使用 pd.concat 将它们跨列连接.

  df = pd.concat([set1.stack('year'),set2.stack('year'),set3.stack('year')],键= ['set1','set2','set3'],名称= ['set'],轴= 1)df 
  set set1 set2 set3国家年伊朗1980 0.0 NaN NaN1981 2.0 NaN NaN1982年1.0 NaN NaN土耳其1980年NaN NaN 4.01981 NaN 10.0 NaN1982年NaN 12.0 11.01983 NaN 1.0 NaNUK 1980 11.0 NaN 11.01981 10.0 1.0 NaN1982年3.0 1.0 8.01983 NaN 13.0 NaN美国1980 4.0 NaN 12.01981 5.0 2.0 NaN1982 0.0 15.0 9.01983 NaN 10.0 NaN 


  set set1 set2 set3放set1 1.000000 -0.723632 0.509902set2 -0.723632 1.000000 0.606891set3 0.509902 0.606891 1.000000 

How do I correlate two pandas dataframes, find a single r value for all values? I don't want to correlate columns or rows, but all scalar values. One dataframe is the x axis, and the other dataframe is the y axis.

I downloaded identically structured csv files here: https://www.gapminder.org/data/The tables have years for columns, countries for rows, with numerical values for the indicator that each table reports.

For instance, I want to see how the Political Participation Indicator (gapminder calls it an index, but I don't want to confuse it with a dataframe index) correlates overall with the Government Functioning Indicator, by year and country.

pol_partix_idx_EIU_df = pd.read_csv('polpartix_eiu.csv',index_col=0)
govt_idx_EIU_df = pd.read_csv('gvtx_eiu.csv',index_col=0)


    2006    2007    2008    2009    2010    2011    2012    2013    2014    2015    2016    2017    2018
Afghanistan 0.222   0.222   0.222   0.250   0.278   0.278   0.278   0.278   0.389   0.389   0.278   0.278   0.444
Albania 0.444   0.444   0.444   0.444   0.444   0.500   0.500   0.500   0.500   0.556   0.556   0.556   0.556
Algeria 0.222   0.194   0.167   0.223   0.278   0.278   0.389   0.389   0.389   0.389   0.389   0.389   0.389
Angola  0.111   0.250   0.389   0.416   0.444   0.444   0.500   0.500   0.500   0.500   0.556   0.556   0.556
Argentina   0.556   0.556   0.556   0.556   0.556   0.556   0.556   0.556   0.556   0.611   0.611   0.611   0.611

You can correlate by column or row:

pol_partix_idx_EIU_df.corrwith(govt_idx_EIU_df, axis=0)

2006    0.738297

2007    0.745321

2008    0.731913


2018    0.718520

dtype: float64

pol_partix_idx_EIU_df.corrwith(govt_idx_EIU_df, axis=1)


Afghanistan    6.790123e-01

Albania       -5.664265e-01


Zimbabwe       4.456537e-01

Length: 164, dtype: float64

But, I want a single r value that compares every field in one table with every corresponding field in the other table. Essentially, I want the r value of this scatterplot:

plt.xlabel('Political participation')
plt.ylabel('Government functioning')

(The example code won't color the plot like this, but plots the same points.)

The second part of the question would be how to do this with tables that aren't exactly identical in structure. Every table (dataframe) I want to compare has country records and year columns, but not all of them have the same countries or years. In the example above, they do. How do I get a single r value for only the shared rows and columns of the dataframes?


I've simulated a setup that I think mimics yours--three dataframes with countries across rows and years across columns. I then concatenate the different sets of data into a single dataframe. And show how to compute the correlation between them. Let me know if something about this example doesn't match your setup.

import pandas as pd

set1 = pd.DataFrame({1980:[4, 11, 0], 1981:[5, 10, 2], 1982:[0, 3, 1]},
    index=pd.Index(['USA', 'UK', 'Iran'], name='country'))
set1.columns.name = 'year'
year     1980  1981  1982
USA         4     5     0
UK         11    10     3
Iran        0     2     1
set2 = pd.DataFrame({1981:[2, 1, 10], 1982:[15, 1, 12], 1983:[10, 13, 1]},
    index=pd.Index(['USA', 'UK', 'Turkey'], name='country'))
set2.columns.name = 'year'
year     1981  1982  1983
USA         2    15    10
UK          1     1    13
Turkey     10    12     1

Notice that, like your setup, some countries/years are not present in different datasets.

set3 = pd.DataFrame({1980:[12, 11, 4], 1982:[9, 8, 11]},
    index=pd.Index(['USA', 'UK', 'Turkey'], name='country'))
set3.columns.name = 'year'

We can turns these into multi-indexed series by stacking along year and then concatenate these across columns using pd.concat.

df = pd.concat([set1.stack('year'), set2.stack('year'), set3.stack('year')],
    keys=['set1', 'set2', 'set3'], names=['set'], axis=1)
set           set1  set2  set3
country year
Iran    1980   0.0   NaN   NaN
        1981   2.0   NaN   NaN
        1982   1.0   NaN   NaN
Turkey  1980   NaN   NaN   4.0
        1981   NaN  10.0   NaN
        1982   NaN  12.0  11.0
        1983   NaN   1.0   NaN
UK      1980  11.0   NaN  11.0
        1981  10.0   1.0   NaN
        1982   3.0   1.0   8.0
        1983   NaN  13.0   NaN
USA     1980   4.0   NaN  12.0
        1981   5.0   2.0   NaN
        1982   0.0  15.0   9.0
        1983   NaN  10.0   NaN

And we can compute a 3x3 correlation matrix across the three different sets.

set       set1      set2      set3
set1  1.000000 -0.723632  0.509902
set2 -0.723632  1.000000  0.606891
set3  0.509902  0.606891  1.000000

这篇关于如何关联两个 pandas 数据帧的标量值的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-06 18:02