




I am doing some quick calculations on a scalar value from a numpy array. As it says in the documentation,


But is there a better (faster, and more concise) way of assigning a new value to an existing array scalar than this:

>>> x = np.array(2.0, dtype='float32')


which works but is not that convenient (I am doing other arithmetic and want to preserve the type throughout).


This doesn't work for obvious reasons:

>>> x = np.array(1.0, dtype='float32')
>>> print(x, type(x))
1.0 <class 'numpy.ndarray'>
>>> x = 2.0
>>> print(x, type(x))
2.0 <class 'float'>


>>> x = np.array(1.0, dtype='float32')
>>> x[] = 2.0
  File "<ipython-input-319-7f36071ff81d>", line 2
    x[] = 2.0
SyntaxError: invalid syntax


>>> x = np.array(1.0, dtype='float32')
>>> x[:] = 2.0
IndexError                                Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-24-62cd4ca238ce> in <module>()
      1 x = np.array(1.0, dtype='float32')
----> 2 x[:] = 2.0

IndexError: too many indices for array


基于下面的评论(谢谢),我现在意识到我实际上并没有使用数组标量. x是零维数组.

Based on comments below (thanks) I have now realised that I am not actually using array scalars. x is a zero-dimensional array.


Here is how to create an array scalar:

>>> a = np.array((1.0, 2.0, 3.0), dtype='float32')
>>> x = a[0]
>>> print(x, type(x))
1.0 <class 'numpy.float32'>


>>> x = np.float32(1.0)
>>> print(x, type(x))
1.0 <class 'numpy.float32'>


可以修改0d数组,但array scalar不能:

A 0d array can be modified, but an array scalar cannot:

In [199]: x = np.array(1.0, 'float32')
In [200]: x
Out[200]: array(1., dtype=float32)
In [201]: x.shape
Out[201]: ()
In [202]: x[...] = 2
In [203]: x
Out[203]: array(2., dtype=float32)
In [204]: x[()] =3
In [205]: x
Out[205]: array(3., dtype=float32)


You have to mutate x, not assign a new object to the variable.


That said, I don't see why one would want, or need, to do this.

此0d数组与array scalar不太相同:

This 0d array is not quite the same as an array scalar:

In [207]: y = np.float32(1)
In [208]: y[...] = 2
TypeError: 'numpy.float32' object does not support item assignment

使用索引从数组中提取元素会产生array scalar:

Extracting an element from an array with indexing produces an array scalar:

In [210]: type(x[()])
Out[210]: numpy.float32


The float32 object has many of the array attributes, even methods, but it isn't quite same:

In [211]: x.shape
Out[211]: ()
In [212]: y.shape
Out[212]: ()

可以使用与数组形状相同大小的元组对数组进行索引. arr[1,2]arr[(1,2)]相同. x的形状为(),因此只能使用空元组x[()]对其进行索引.类似地,arr[:,:]适用于2d数组,但不适用于1d. ...表示任意数量的切片,因此可与x[...]一起使用.

An array can be indexed with a tuple the same size as its shape. arr[1,2] is the same as arr[(1,2)]. The shape of x is (), so it can only be indexed with an empty tuple, x[()]. Similarly arr[:,:] works for a 2d array, but not for 1d. ... means, any number of slices, so works with x[...].


Enough of the __getitem__ has been defined for np.generic class objects to allow indexing like [...] and [()]. But the assignment has not been defined.


It might be useful to look at the class hierarchy of classes like np.ndarray, np.int_, np.float32, np.float, and np.int.

从您的链接中: https ://docs.scipy.org/doc/numpy-1.13.0/user/basics.types.html#array-scalars

使用数组标量的主要优点是它们保留了数组类型(Python可能没有可用的匹配标量类型,例如int16).因此,使用数组标量可确保数组和标量之间的行为相同,而不管该值是否在数组内部. NumPy标量也具有许多与数组相同的方法.

The primary advantage of using array scalars is that they preserve the array type (Python may not have a matching scalar type available, e.g. int16). Therefore, the use of array scalars ensures identical behaviour between arrays and scalars, irrespective of whether the value is inside an array or not. NumPy scalars also have many of the same methods arrays do.

第二段写在第一段的上下文中.它试图解释为什么数组的元素是returned as array scalars.这就是为什么arr[0,1]返回np.float32对象而不是Python float的原因.

The 2nd paragraph is written the context of the 1st. It attempts to explain why elements of an array are returned as array scalars. That is, why arr[0,1] returns a np.float32 object, as opposed to a Python float.

这并不意味着我们直接创建array scalar.

It is not suggesting that we create an array scalar directly.

我首先写了这个答案,以掩盖0d数组与该引用所称的array scalars之间的区别.

I first wrote this answer glossing over the difference between a 0d array, and what this quote is calling array scalars.


08-06 18:01