System.out.println("Runtime max: " + mb(Runtime.getRuntime().maxMemory()));
MemoryMXBean m = ManagementFactory.getMemoryMXBean();
System.out.println("Non-heap: " + mb(m.getNonHeapMemoryUsage().getMax()));
System.out.println("Heap: " + mb(m.getHeapMemoryUsage().getMax()));
for (MemoryPoolMXBean mp : ManagementFactory.getMemoryPoolMXBeans()) {
System.out.println("Pool: " + mp.getName() +
" (type " + mp.getType() + ")" +
" = " + mb(mp.getUsage().getMax()));
Run the Code on JDK8 is :
[root@docker-runner-2486794196-0fzm0 docker-runner]# java -version
java version "1.8.0_181"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_181-b13)
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.181-b13, mixed mode)
[root@docker-runner-2486794196-0fzm0 docker-runner]# java -jar -Xmx1024M -XX:+UnlockExperimentalVMOptions -XX:+UseCGroupMemoryLimitForHeap test.jar
Runtime max: 954728448 (910.50 M)
Non-heap: -1 (-0.00 M)
Heap: 954728448 (910.50 M)
Pool: Code Cache (type Non-heap memory) = 251658240 (240.00 M)
Pool: Metaspace (type Non-heap memory) = -1 (-0.00 M)
Pool: Compressed Class Space (type Non-heap memory) = 1073741824 (1024.00 M)
Pool: PS Eden Space (type Heap memory) = 355467264 (339.00 M)
Pool: PS Survivor Space (type Heap memory) = 1048576 (1.00 M)
Pool: PS Old Gen (type Heap memory) = 716177408 (683.00 M)
*最大运行时间:954728448(910.50 M)*
*Runtime max: 954728448 (910.50 M) *
The Runtime.maxMemory is 910.50M, I want to know how this works out
On JDK7, "Runtime.getRuntime().maxMemory()" = "-Xmx" - "Survivor" , But it does not work on JDK8。
在JDK 8中公式 Runtime.maxMemory()= Xmx - 幸存者
In JDK 8 the formula Runtime.maxMemory() = Xmx - Survivor
is still fair, but the trick is how Survivor is estimated.
您尚未设置初始堆大小( -Xms
),默认情况下自适应大小策略处于启用状态。这意味着堆可以调整大小,并且堆生成边界可以在运行时移动。 Runtime.maxMemory()
You haven't set the initial heap size (-Xms
), and the Adaptive Size Policy is on by default. This means the heap can resize and heap generation boundaries can move in runtime. Runtime.maxMemory()
estimates the amount of memory conservatively, subtracting the maximum possible survivor size from the size of New Generation.
Runtime.maxMemory() = OldGen + NewGen - MaxSurvivor
where MaxSurvivor = NewGen / MinSurvivorRatio
在您的示例中,OldGen = 683 MB,默认情况下NewGen = 341 MB,MinSurvivorRatio = 3。也就是说,
In your example OldGen = 683 MB, NewGen = 341 MB and MinSurvivorRatio = 3 by default. That is,
Runtime.maxMemory() = 683 + 341 - (341/3) = 910.333 MB
如果禁用 -XX:-UseAdaptiveSizePolicy
或设置初始堆size -Xms
与 -Xmx
相同的值,你会再次看到运行时.maxMemory()= OldGen + Eden + Survivor
If you disable -XX:-UseAdaptiveSizePolicy
or set the initial heap size -Xms
to the same value as -Xmx
, you'll see again that Runtime.maxMemory() = OldGen + Eden + Survivor