

本文介绍了Pivotal Cloud Foundry-连接到外部Oracle数据库的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



I am creating a Spring boot application that connects to an oracle database which is not managed by (or residing outside) the PCF. In my local development environment i configured the database connection details in application.properties file. Could someone share how to achieve this in PCF without hard-coding the details in application.properties.


Cloud Foundry为您提供了一个称为用户提供的服务"的功能,它允许您连接任何其他服务,例如Oracle数据库或旧版ERP系统等.在CF上运行.

Cloud Foundry provides you with something called as User Provided Service, that allows you to connect any other service like Oracle database or a legacy ERP system etc. that is not running on CF.


So in your CF environment you can create a Oracle User Provided Service like

cf create-user-provided-service oracle-database-service -p '{"uri":"oracle://root:[email protected]:1521/mydatabase"}'


cf bind-service <app name> <service name>

例如:cf bind-service my-application oracle-database-service

,然后使用cf restart


PS: you will still need to have the appropriate JDBC driver in your application, you can always use Maven or gradle for it, or download one from the official site and include it in your project

链接到Oracle网站以获取JDBC驱动程序: http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/database /enterprise-edition/jdbc-112010-090769.html

Link to Oracle site for JDBC driver :http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/database/enterprise-edition/jdbc-112010-090769.html

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08-06 16:54