


I've been trying to write a pintool to instrument cache hits and misses in a given program.I found that there are calls such as INS_IsMemoryRead/Write to determine if the instruction is a LD/ST.

  • 有没有一种方法可以确定指令是否发生高速缓存命中或未命中?
  • 如果是这样,是否还可以获得从缓存/内存中获取数据所花费的周期数?




The cache tool, "Memory", which comes with pin is a very simple functional simulator of caches. Said in other words, by using the cache tool, one can see/simulate how many cache misses the application may have depending on the cache organization such as size, number of ways, cache levels. With some simple code writing it would be possible to report the instructions where the cache misses happen and later to map these instructions back to the source code. However, hit/miss results from the cache simulations may not be same as or correspond to the real computer systems even when the cache simulator is configured to have the same cache organization as the real system.


Also, one more limitation of the cache tool is that it is single threaded. You cannot use it for multi-threaded applications.

此外,将不可能获得任何时序信息,例如为缓存未命中所服务的周期数.这非常依赖于体系结构,我不知道可以从真实系统中提供此信息的工具.取而代之的是人们使用CPU时序模拟器. CPU时序模拟器的示例是Gem5 http://www.gem5.org/和基于PtlSim .

In addition, it will be impossible to get any timing information such as the number of cycles it takes to service a cache miss. This is very architecture dependent and I am not aware of a tool that can provide this information from the real system. Instead people use CPU timing simulators. Example CPU timing simulators are Gem5 http://www.gem5.org/ and Marss based on PtlSim http://marss86.org/.


08-06 16:17