


  "field1": {


I would like to map "field1" as an Any object, if possible. I don't need to index it, if that makes it easier. I don't know what the structure of field1 is and can change. So I should be able to update my type to something like:

    "field1": {
        "foo": 123


Is this possible? Right now it seems I have to know the mappings of the fields in the "field1" object and cannot deviate from it (except add new fields inside).



You can tell ES what your field mappings are but you are not required to. Telling ES what your fields are is helpful for ensuring consistency.


That being said, if you just start sending ES a new field it will accept it and create a mapping for it automatically.


In your example when ES sees the new field "foo" with a value of "bar" it's going to automatically create a mapping of "foo" to type "string".

下次发送"foo"时,其值为123 ES仍将接受该字段,但是它将存储为字符串.

The next time you send in "foo" with a value of 123 ES will still accept that field, but it will be stored as a string.

好消息:ES自动允许您执行此操作坏消息:您不能在该字段上运行"Range"查询(SQL等效项为: WHERE FOO> 200 )

Good news: ES automatically allows you to do thisBad news: you can't run "Range" queries on that field (the SQL Equivilent would be: WHERE FOO > 200)


08-06 16:12