

是否可以导出Julia模块中的所有符号(类似于importall的语义对应物)?当要导出的符号数量增加时,这种功能将非常有用. TIA.

Is there a way to export all symbols in a Julia module (something like the semantic counterpart to importall)? Such a functionality would be very useful when the number of symbols to be exported grows large. TIA.


Reexport.jl 提供此形式的软件包;用例是当您有一个子模块并且想要将所有已导出的符号从内部模块重新导出到当前模块中时.我知道不是exportall,而是功能的一部分.

There's the Reexport.jl package that provides a form of this; it's use case is when you have a submodule and you want to reexport all of the exported symbols from the inner module into your current module. I know, not exportall, but part of the functionality.


08-06 15:59