本文介绍了您是如何在 WISA 和 LAMP 之间做出决定的?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


在网络项目开始时,您是否必须在 WISA 或 LAMP 之间做出选择?

Did you ever have to choose between WISA or LAMP at the beginning of a web project?


While pros and cons are littered around the net, it would be helpful to know about your real experience in coming up w/ criteria, evaluating, deciding, and reflecting upon your decision to go w/ either platform.


我认为第一部分是您的应用程序.如果您决定使用 PHP,您几乎会自动选择 LAMP,因为 WIMP 或 WISP 堆栈非常罕见(我认为 blog.stackoverflow.com 在 WIMP 上运行),而使用 .net,您肯定想要使用 WISA.

I think the first part is your Application. If you decide to go PHP, you almost automatically end up with LAMP, as WIMP or WISP stacks are quite rare (I think blog.stackoverflow.com runs on WIMP), and with .net you definitely want to go WISA.

所以通常情况下,它归结为 .net 与 PHP.(暂时忽略 Ruby、Python 和所有其他东西).当您做出该决定时,其余的自然而然或适应您的环境(即,如果您公司中的所有管理员都是 Windows 管理员,那么 WAMP 可能更适合您)

So normally, it boils down to .net vs. PHP. (Ignoring Ruby, Python and all the other stuff for a moment). When you made that decision, the rest comes naturally or adapts into your environment (i.e. if all your admins in the company are windows admins, maybe WAMP works better for you)

大约一年前,我从 PHP 切换到 .net,我从不回头看 PHP,但为了公平起见,我从来不必查看 Windows 和 SQL Server 许可证的账单.由于涉及许可证,在 WISA 上部署的初始成本要高得多,而 LAMP 堆栈是免费的(是的,MySQL 也可免费用于商业用途).

I switched from PHP to .net about a year ago and I never looked back at PHP, but I never had to look at the bill for Windows and SQL Server licenses to be fair. Deployment on WISA has a much higher initial cost due to the licenses involved, whereas a LAMP Stack is free (Yes, MySQL is also free for commercial use).

所有有趣的首字母缩写词都代表技术的组合:(L)inux 或 (W)indows、(A)pache 或 (I)IS、(M)ySQL 或 (S)QL Server、(P)hp 或 (A)SP.net.

All the funny acronyms stand for the combination of technologies: (L)inux or (W)indows, (A)pache or (I)IS, (M)ySQL or (S)QL Server, (P)hp or (A)SP.net.

这篇关于您是如何在 WISA 和 LAMP 之间做出决定的?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-06 15:37