


Our team is doing reverse-engineering on a application with virtually non-existant documentation. We want to detect if there's a use of architectural or design patterns. You may understand that this application is large, so looking manually is no sense for us.


This application is written in Java and we use Eclipse for IDE, so it may be a plugin for Eclipse.


We have found some tools, like "Design Patterns detections Similarity Scoring", but it's not working very well.


So, such tools do exists?


如果你有应用程序的源代码,最可能是重新设计,而不是逆向工程。 (后者意味着从机器或字节码中恢复某种更高级别的代码)。

If you have the source code of the app, you are most probably reengineering it, rather than reverse engineering. (The latter means recovering some sort of higher level code from machine- or bytecode).

无论如何,您想要了解应用程序,即构建一个在你心中我恐怕自动工具在这方面没有什么帮助。在代码中得到一个假定的模式列表将会有什么用处?这可以帮助您更好地了解代码实际执行的以及为什么?特别是考虑到遗留代码中模式被滥用的机会很大: - (

At any rate, you want to understand the application, i.e. build a mental model of it in your mind. I am afraid automatic tools aren't of much help in this. What use would it be for you to get a list of supposed patterns in the code? Would it help you understand better what the code actually does and why? Especially taking into account the high chances of patterns being misused in legacy code :-(


In the end, you need to get down to reading the code anyway. But here is another similar thread which hopefully helps in the daunting task of taking over a legacy app.


08-16 08:08