


I am learning Python and have read blogs about this error, but I am still not able to understand this clearly yet. This is a snippet of the code I am writing:

for i in included:
    global signs,accounts, regions
    global sign_name, acc_name, rg_name
    if type == "regions":
        regions = i
        rg_name = regions['data']['region']
    if type == "accounts":
        accounts = i
        acc_name = accounts['data']['account']

    print("Stopping account " + acc_name + " in region " + rg_name)


NameError: global name 'acc_name' is not defined.

我正在使用Python 2.7如果有人可以帮助我理解Python中全局名称和初始化的概念,那就太好了.预先感谢.

I am using Python 2.7If anyone can help me understand the concept of global names and initiation in Python, it would be great.Thanks in advance.


不用担心:)欢迎使用Python!之所以抛出该错误,是因为它正在寻找不存在的全局变量,而它不存在的原因是因为您没有达到if type == "accounts"条件!

No worries :) welcome to Python! It's throwing that error because it's looking for a global variable that doesn't exist -- and the reason it doesn't exist is because you're not hitting the if type == "accounts" condition!


for i in included:
  global signs,accounts, regions
  global sign_name, acc_name, rg_name
  regions = "no region yet"
  acc_name = "no acc_name yet"
   if type == "regions"
     regions = i
     rg_name = regions['data']['region']
   if type == "accounts"
     accounts = i
     acc_name = accounts['data']['account']

   print("Stopping account " + acc_name + " in region " + rg_name)


That will clear the error and at least let you see what other bugs may be popping up :)


I'll also point out, as I'm sure you will hear from others, there's no reason for you to be declaring global variables in this context. It was initially saying "can't find global variable" because before you put in the global keywords, it wasn't triggering on the if statement and so first it checked the locals() variables, and not finding it, searched for the globals() variables, and not finding it kicked and error.


You can remove the global variables and it will work fine like so:

for i in included:
   regions = "no region yet"
   acc_name = "no acc_name yet"
   if type == "regions"
     regions = i
     rg_name = regions['data']['region']
   if type == "accounts"
     accounts = i
     acc_name = accounts['data']['account']

   print("Stopping account " + acc_name + " in region " + rg_name)

另一个简短说明,切勿将type用作变量...而是使用type_.原因是typebuiltin Python函数,如果将type用作变量,则会无意中对该内置名称起别名.

Another quick note, never the type as a variable... use type_ instead. The reason is type is a builtin Python function and if you use type as a variable you are accidentally aliasing that builtin name.


Finally, just to clean up the script a little more:

# only use "i" when you're using numbers, otherwise just call it
# the name of the data you're using :)
for account_data in included:
   regions = "no region yet"
   acc_name = "no acc_name yet"
   if type_ == "regions"
     rg_name = account_data['data']['region']
   if type_ == "accounts"
     acc_name = account_data['data']['account']

   # here's an example of Pythonic string formatting :)
   print("Stopping account {} in region {}".format(acc_name, rg_name))


08-22 20:49