




 < div id = DaySchedule_5amDetail > 
< span>& nbsp;< / span>
< / div>
< div id =DaySchedule_6amDetail>
< span>& nbsp;< / span>
< / div>
< div id =DaySchedule_7amDetailclass =start> < - 开始
< span>& nbsp;< / span>
< / div>
< div id =DaySchedule_8amDetail>
< span>& nbsp;< / span>
< / div>
< div id =DaySchedule_9amDetail>
< span>& nbsp;< / span>
< / div>
< div id =DaySchedule_10amDetailclass =end> < - end
< span>& nbsp;< / span>
< / div>
< div id =DaySchedule_11amDetail>
< span>& nbsp;< / span>
< / div>

我正在尝试将jquery wrap元素从类开始到类结束于div


  $('div ('div')); $ b $(this).nextUntil('div.end')。wrap(document.createElement('div')); 


  $(div.start)。wrapAll(< div>) ; 

这样只会创建一个div,并且只能使用类的开始元素,我想将其扩展到类结束。 / p>



编辑:------------------------------ --------------------------

$ b $ $ p $ $('。start')。each(function() {
var $ nextGroup = $(this).nextUntil('。end').add(this);
$ nextGroup.add($ nextGroup.next())。wrapAll('< div class =draggableStuff>');


wrapAll(),但使用 nextUntil()概念。

$(this).nextUntil('。end')。wrapAll('< div class =wrapper>');

Okay so here is some html. I have a few start and end classes but for the sake of this I have only added 1 of each.

<div id="DaySchedule_5amDetail">
<div id="DaySchedule_6amDetail">
<div id="DaySchedule_7amDetail" class="start"> <-- start
<div id="DaySchedule_8amDetail">
<div id="DaySchedule_9amDetail">
<div id="DaySchedule_10amDetail" class="end"> <-- end
<div id="DaySchedule_11amDetail">

I am trying to have jquery wrap elements from class start to class end in a div

I have tried many different things and looked through stackoverflow.


This from what I have found should work but it does nothing. It doesn't even create a div


this creates a div around only the element with class start I want to extend it till class end.

Is there a clear way to do this? Should I not even bother with wrap or wrapAll? Is there a way to inject an open div tag before an element with a certain class and add a closing tag after an element with a certain class (start and end). I have tried preappend and append with no luck.

Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

Edit: --------------------------------------------------------

The selected answer pretty much worked for me with some little manipulation so here is the code that worked for me:

    var $nextGroup = $(this).nextUntil('.end').add(this);
    $nextGroup.add($nextGroup.next()).wrapAll('<div class="draggableStuff">');

You were pretty close.... you do want wrapAll() but using the nextUntil() concept you have.

    $(this).nextUntil('.end').wrapAll('<div class="wrapper">');

If you need to also wrap the start and end use add() to add the start and end elements:

     var $nextGroup= $(this).nextUntil('.end')
     $nextGroup.add(this).add($nextGroup.next()).wrapAll('<div class="wrapper">');


08-06 14:57