

I am using ui-router to represent states in my AngularJS app. In it I'd like to change the state without changing the URL (basically a "detail view" is updated but this should not affect the URL).

I use <a ui-sref="item.detail({id: item.id})"> to display the detail but this only works if I specify a URL like url: "/detail-:id" in my $stateProvider.

It seems to me that the current state is only defined through the URL.


Thanks for your answer, it did help me in the right direction but I'd just like to add a more complete description.

In my specific issue there was a complicating factor because the state I needed to inject a non-URL parameter to was a child state. That complicated things slightly.

The params: ['id'] part goes in the $stateProvider declaration like this:

$stateProvider.state('parent', {
    url: '/:parentParam',
    templateUrl: '...',
    controller: '...'
state('parent.child', {
    params: ['parentParam','childParam'],
    templateUrl: '...',
    controller: '...'

And the param name is connected to the ui-sref attribute like this:

<a ui-sref=".child({ childParam: 'foo' })">

And the catch is this:

If you don't do that then a module-error will be thrown when the application is initialized. This is at least true on the latest version at the time of writing (v.0.2.10).


@gulsahkandemir points out that

Judging by the changelog, this seems to be the case starting from v0.2.11

Details of params can be found in the official docs


08-06 14:49