





I have a set of a few (and potentially will have dozens more) of very similar methods in C#. They all built on almost identical pattern:

ResultObjectType MethodX(...input parameters of various types...)
  nesting preparation code here...
      resultObject = ExternalClass.GetResultForMethodX(input parameters of MethodX);
  nesting result processing code here ...
  return resultObject;

重复/相同的部分: ResultObjectType,准备代码,结果处理代码

Repeating/identical parts: ResultObjectType, preparation code, result processing code.


Different parts: ExternalClass method to call, input parameter set (number of input parameters, their types).

重要提示:我无法控制方法签名 - 无法更改。


I am trying to avoid repeating all blocks of similar code with something like this:

ResultObjectType MethodX(...input parameters of various types...)
    return  UniversalMethod(
                   new ExternalMethodDelegate(ExternalClass.GetResultForMethodX),
                   input parameters of MethodX...);

ResultObjectType UniversalMethod (Delegate d, input parameters of various types...)
    nesting preparation code...
           resultObject =
              (d as ExternalMethodDelegate)(same input parameters as above);
    nesting result processing code...
    return resultObject;


So far I only managed to make it work in this manner in case where all parameters have the same known type at the time of coding. After a number of attempts to tackle this problem with generic delegates I am starting to think this is not possible to achieve. Even when my code compiles, it does not work at runtime. Any takers? Thanks in advance for your help!



Here's an example using generic delegates:

int MethodY(int something, int other)
    return UniversalMethod(() => GetResultForMethodY(something, other));

string MethodX(string something)
    return UniversalMethod(() => GetResultForMethodX(something));

T UniversalMethod<T>(Func<T> fetcher)
    T resultObject;
    //nesting preparation code here...
        resultObject = fetcher();
    //nesting result processing code here ...
    return resultObject;

如果ResultObjectType始终相同,则可以删除所有 T s。

If ResultObjectType is always the same then you can remove all Ts.


08-06 14:36