我有一个大的HTML表格(1,000-1,500行,40列宽)。我有几个输入和选择框,以便用户可以过滤行。相关的javascript / jquery(注意:并非整个代码库被粘贴,因为它不是瓶颈)附加到它看起来像:function autoRank(){
等级= 0;
$(#myTablePlayers .playerData)。each(function(){
rank ++;
var teamCols = $(),
GPCols = $(),
posCols = $(),
ageCols = $();
$(#myTablePlayers .playerData)。each(function(){
var columns = $(this).find('td');
teamCols = teamCols (col。);
posCols = posCols.add(columns.eq(colPos)); .add($(。colTeam
ageCols = ageCols.add(columns.eq(colAge))
$ b函数filterTable(){
minGP = $(#mingp)。val()
teams = $(#teamFilter)。val()。toUpperCase()
position = $(#position)。val()
age = $(#age)。val()
$(#myTablePlayers .playerData)。show();
$ b $ *循环检查团队* /
if(!this.innerHTML。 toUpperCase()。includes(teams)){
$ b $ *循环并检查最小GP * /
if(Number(this.innerHTML)< minGP ){
}); (年龄){
ageCols.each(函数(){$ b $)
$ b $ / *检查年龄要求* /
b thisAge = Number(this.innerHTML);
if(thisAge< age || thisAge> = age + 1){
$ b $ *检查头寸要求* /
var thisPos = this .innerHTML
if(position ==D){
if(thisPos.indexOf(D)== -1){
$(this).parent()。hide ();
} else if(position ==F){
if(thisPos.indexOf(D)!= -1){
} else if(thisPos!= position){
$ p $ >
在 filterTable()函数中。在Chrome或Firefox上运行它会很快运行(小于1秒),并且DOM呈现正确。当我在Safari上执行时,它需要30秒以上。
jQuery:1.11.1(甚至在升级到3.1 .1)。
$ b Safari:10.0.1
解决方案从代码中删除所有重复和不必要的复杂事件后, pre> var colRank = 0,colTeam = 1,colGP = 2,colAge = 3,colPos = 4;
var minGP = + $(#mingp)。val();
var age = + $(#age)。val();
var teams = $(#teamFilter)。val()。toUpperCase();
var position = $(#position)。val();
var rank = 0;
$(#myTablePlayers .playerData)。each(function(){
(teams&& this.cells [colTeam] .textContent.toUpperCase ().includes(teams))||
(minGP&& + this.cells [colGP] .textContent< minGP)||
(age&&(+ this.cells [colAge] .textContent< age || + this.cells [colAge] .textContent> = age + 1))||
((position ===D|| position ===F )&& amp; this.cells [colPos] .textContent.indexOf(position)=== -1)||
(!(position ===D|| position ===F )&&(this.cells [colPos] .textContent!== position))
this.cells [colRank] .textContent = ++ rank;
this.style .display =;
} else {
this.style.display =none;
我已经删除了几乎所有jQuery,以支持本地DOM操作。 / p>
剩下的 .each()可以被调整为一个普通的旧的 c $ c>循环遍历 document.getElementById('myTablePlayers')。tBody [0] .rows ,如果你想排除最后一点可能的表现。 / p>
I have a large HTML table (1,000-1,500 rows, 40 cols wide). I have a few input and select boxes so users can filter rows. The relevant javascript/jquery (note: not entire code base is pasted in as it is not the bottleneck) attached to it looks like:
function autoRank() { // auto number rank = 0; $("#myTablePlayers .playerData").each(function() { if ($(this).css("display") != "none") { rank++; $(this).find('td').eq(colRank).text(rank); } }); } var teamCols = $(), GPCols = $(), posCols = $(), ageCols = $(); $("#myTablePlayers .playerData").each(function() { var columns = $(this).find('td'); teamCols = teamCols.add($(".colTeam", this)); GPCols = GPCols.add(columns.eq(colGP)); posCols = posCols.add(columns.eq(colPos)); ageCols = ageCols.add(columns.eq(colAge)) }); function filterTable() { // Need some error checking on input not number minGP = $("#mingp").val() teams = $("#teamFilter").val().toUpperCase() position = $("#position").val() age = $("#age").val() $("#myTablePlayers .playerData").show(); /* Loop through to check for teams */ if (teams) { teamCols.each(function() { if (!this.innerHTML.toUpperCase().includes(teams)) { $(this).parent().hide(); } }); } /* Loop and check for min GP */ GPCols.each(function() { if ( Number(this.innerHTML) < minGP) { $(this).parent().hide(); } }); /* Check for age requirement */ if (age) { age = Number(age) ageCols.each(function() { thisAge = Number(this.innerHTML); if ( thisAge < age || thisAge >= age+1 ) { $(this).parent().hide(); } }); } /* Check the position requirement */ if (position) { posCols.each(function() { var thisPos = this.innerHTML if (position == "D") { if (thisPos.indexOf("D") == -1) { $(this).parent().hide(); } } else if (position == "F") { if (thisPos.indexOf("D") != -1) { $(this).parent().hide(); } } else if (thisPos != position) { $(this).parent().hide(); } }); } autoRank(); }
When stripping down the code as minimal as possible, the offending code is the
var.each(function() { ...
in the filterTable() function.
When I run this on Chrome or Firefox it runs quickly (sub 1 second) and the DOM is rendered properly. When I execute on Safari it takes 30+ seconds.
Why is this and what can I do to adapt for this browser?
jQuery: 1.11.1 (same issue even after upgrading to 3.1.1).
Safari: 10.0.1
Firefox: 50
Chrome: 54.0.
After removing all the repetition and unnecessary complication from your code, this is what remains:
var colRank = 0, colTeam = 1, colGP = 2, colAge = 3, colPos = 4; function filterTable() { var minGP = +$("#mingp").val(); var age = +$("#age").val(); var teams = $("#teamFilter").val().toUpperCase(); var position = $("#position").val(); var rank = 0; $("#myTablePlayers .playerData").each(function () { if ( (teams && this.cells[colTeam].textContent.toUpperCase().includes(teams)) || (minGP && +this.cells[colGP].textContent < minGP) || (age && (+this.cells[colAge].textContent < age || +this.cells[colAge].textContent >= age+1)) || ((position === "D" || position === "F") && this.cells[colPos].textContent.indexOf(position) === -1) || (!(position === "D" || position === "F") && (this.cells[colPos].textContent !== position)) ) { this.cells[colRank].textContent = ++rank; this.style.display = ""; } else { this.style.display = "none"; } }); }
I've already removed almost all jQuery in favor of native DOM manipulation.
The remaining .each() could be tuned into a plain old for loop over the document.getElementById('myTablePlayers').tBodies[0].rows, if you want to squeeze out the last bit of possible performance.
Reorder the if conditions by likeliness: From the one that will typically filter out the most rows to the one that will filter out the least rows. Because JS short-circuits conditions, this way less conditions are checked overall.
Making the table display: fixed can also improve render performance at the expense of flexibility.
Finally, you can use CSS to do counters. This is probably faster than manually setting the contents of a table cell. Test for yourself.
这篇关于jQuery的Safari浏览器慢于Chrome / Firefox的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!