

当前,我有一个Web项目,其中包含在Tomcat中运行的JSF 1.2和Facelets.我决定升级servlet容器,因此我将其部署在tomcat 7中,直到我们使用自定义界面功能击中一个视图之前,一切似乎都还可以.

Currenty I have a web project with JSF 1.2 and Facelets running in tomcat I decided to upgrade the servlet container, thus i deployed in tomcat 7 and all seemed ok until we hit one view using my custome facelet functions.

javax.el.ELException: Failed to parse the expression [{pz:instanceof(object,'com.project.domain.MyClass')}]

Caused by: org.apache.el.parser.ParseException: Encountered " ":" ": "" at line 1, column 5. Was expecting one of:
"}" ...
"." ...
"[" ...


This error occurs when parsing the following code:

<ui:repeat var="object" value="#{objects}">
<ui:fragment rendered="#{pz:instanceof(object,'com.project.domain.MyClass')}">

如果我正确理解,由于表达式中的冒号,将引发错误.我已将其跟踪到tomcat/lib目录中随附的jasper-el,如果我用tomcat 6.0.18中的替换jasper.jar和jasper-el.jar,那么一切都可以正常工作.

If i understand correctly it throws an error because of the colon in the expression . I have tracked it down to the jasper-el that come with in the tomcat/lib directory, and if I replace jasper.jar and jasper-el.jar with the ones from tomcat 6.0.18 everythign works well.

在升级他们的雄猫之前,还有其他人有这个问题吗?以及他们如何解决呢?我可以使用tomcat 6中的这些碧玉罐将其部署到生产tomcat 7中,还是可能引起更多问题.

Has anyone else had this problem before upgrading their tomcat? And How did they resolve it?Could I deploy in production tomcat 7 with these jasper jar from tomcat 6, or could this cause further problems.



This is actually a misleading exception. It has a different underlying cause. The function name instanceof is invalid.

EL 2.2规范表示以下内容:

    and   eq     gt     true   instanceof
    or    ne     le     false  empty
    not   lt     ge     null   div        mod

请注意,这些词中有许多现在不在使用该语言,但可能在 未来,因此开发人员必须避免使用这些词.

Note that many of these words are not in the language now, but they may be in the future, so developers must avoid using these words.

Identifier ::= Java language identifier



Where the Java language identifier stands for keywords like instanceof, if, while, class, return, static, new, etc. They may not be used as variable/function names in EL. In case you have properties with those names, use the brace notation instead like so #{bean['class'].simpleName} instead of #{bean.class.simpleName}.

此问题已在Tomcat 7.0.4或此版本之前的某个位置修复,如问题50147 ,其中其他人指出了与您相同的问题.因此,要解决您的问题,您必须将EL函数名称重命名为例如isInstanceOf之类的名称.

This was been fixed in Tomcat 7.0.4 or somewhere near before this version as indicated by issue 50147 wherein someone else pointed out the same problem as you have. So, to solve your problem, you have to rename your EL function name to for example isInstanceOf or something.


08-06 13:14