

在Magento,我收到了一个奇怪的增值税四舍五入问题.我的产品设置是 *含20%增值税的产品价格为183.59

I got strange rounding issue for VAT in Magento. My product set up is * product price incl 20% VAT is 183.59

我在购物篮中添加了30件商品,这将花费30 * 183.59 = 5507.70.我可以在购物篮/结帐中看到此值,这样就可以了.如果我在篮子里只有一件物品就可以了.

I added 30 items into basket and it would cost 30 * 183.59 = 5507.70. I can see this value in basket/checkout so that's fine. If I have just 1 item in basket it's ok.

另外,最终的增值税将是5507.70 * 20/120 = 917.95,但我的收入是918.00

Also the final VAT would be 5507.70 * 20 / 120 = 917.95, but I'm getting 918.00


Do you have any idea how to fix this or where would I take a look? Thanks in advance.



In the end I found the solution. I changed System > VAT > Tax Calculation Method Based On from Unit price to Row Total and it works, more details here


The issue which I found is in core/store model. I had to rewrite roundPrice method and change rounding precision there.

public function roundPrice($price)
   return round($price, 4);


08-30 05:47