本文介绍了在 SVG 中包含 JavaScript的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我正在尝试通过将 JavaScript 嵌入到 SVG 中来使用 JavaScript 创建交互式 SVG 代码.我不知道这样做是否正确:

I am trying to create an interactive SVG code with JavaScript, by embedding the JavaScript in the SVG. I don't know if this is the right way to do this:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
<!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.1//EN"
<svg width="100%" height="100%" version="1.1"
<script type="text/javascript">
    var x;
    var y;
    function move()
        x = new Number(svg.getElementsByTagName("circle")[0].getAttribute("cx"));
        y = new Number (svg.getElementsByTagName("circle")[0].getAttribute("cy"));
        switch (event.keyCode)
            case 119:
            y = y.toString();
            case 115:
            y = y.toString();
            case 97:
            x = x.toString();
            case 100:
            x = x.toString();
<rect x="0" y="0" height="500" width="500" style="stroke-width:1; stroke:black; fill:white"></rect>
<circle cx="250" cy="250" r="50" stroke="red" stroke-width="1" fill="red"></circle>

它应该有一个随着 wasd 移动的球,但球没有移动.我做错了什么?

It is supposed to have a ball that moves with wasd, but the ball doesn't move. What am I doing wrong?



Here is a working version as I would write it:

<!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.1//EN"
<svg version="1.1" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg">
  <circle cx="250" cy="250" r="50" fill="red" />
  <script type="text/javascript"><![CDATA[
    var KEY = { w:87, a:65, s:83, d:68 };
    var moveSpeed = 5;
    var circle = document.getElementsByTagName("circle")[0];
    var x = circle.getAttribute('cx')*1,
        y = circle.getAttribute('cy')*1;
      switch (evt.keyCode){
        case KEY.w:
          // Alternatively:
          // circle.cy.baseVal.value = (y-=moveSpeed);
        case KEY.s:
        case KEY.a:
        case KEY.d:


  1. 不要一次又一次地重新获取对圆的引用.使您的代码 DRY 使其更健壮,输入更少,并且(在这种情况下)更快执行.

  1. Don't re-get the reference to the circle again and again. Making your code DRY makes it more robust, less typing, and (in this case) faster to execute.


Edit: If you cannot figure out how to do this given my code above, post any code that is not working for you.

不要依赖一个全局的event 对象;那是旧的 IE 废话.使用传递给事件处理程序的事件对象.

Don't rely on a global event object; that's old IE nonsense. Use the event object passed to your event handler.

编辑:如果您在代码中引用 event 而没有该名称的参数或局部变量,则您假设将有一个全局 event 对象集.相反,请参阅我为您编写的代码,其中显示事件处理程序传递了一个 event 对象.通过给它一个名字,比如我给它起的名字 evt,你会收到一个特定于你的事件处理程序的事件对象.

Edit: If you reference event in your code with no parameter or local variable by that name, you are assuming that there will be a global event object set. Instead, see the code I wrote for you, which shows that the event handler is passed an event object. By giving that a name, such as I gave it the name evt, you are receiving an event object specific to your event handler.

由于您正在修改 xy 变量,因此无需重新获取 cxcy 属性每个按键.

Since you are modifying the x and y variables, there's no need to re-get the cx and cy attributes each key press.

编辑:在您的原始代码和您接受的答案中,您已经在事件处理程序之外声明了 var x,并且您有 x = ... 在事件处理程序的开头,然后 x++ 在其中一个事件处理程序中.您可以每次重新获取 x 的当前值(如您所做的那样)然后 setAttribute(...,x+1),或者(如我所做的那样)) 您只能在事件处理程序之前获取属性值一次,然后假设每次处理关键事件时该值都是正确的.

Edit: In your original code and the answer you accepted, you have declared var x outside your event handler, and you have x = ... at the start of your event handler, and then x++ in one of the event handlers. You can either re-get the current value of x each time (as you did) and then setAttribute(...,x+1), or (as I did) you can only fetch the value of the attribute once before the event handlers and then assume that this value is correct each time you handle the key event.

不要将 JavaScript 事件处理程序放在元素上,而是以编程方式附加它们.

Don't put your JavaScript event handlers on your elements, attach them programmatically.

编辑:在您的 SVG 标记中,您有:<svg ... onkeypress="move()">.将你的行为与你的标记混合在 HTML 中是一个非常糟糕的主意,在 SVG 中也是一个糟糕的主意.不是使用 onfoo="..." 属性来描述当事件发生在元素上时应该发生什么,而是使用 addEventListner() 通过代码附加事件处理程序,无需编辑您的 SVG 标记.

Edit: In your SVG markup you have: <svg ... onkeypress="move()">. Mixing your behavior with your markup is a really bad idea in HTML, and a bad idea in SVG. Instead of using onfoo="..." attributes to describe what should happen when an event occurs on an element, instead use addEventListner() to attach the event handlers via code, without editing your SVG markup.


There's no need to coerce the numbers to strings before setting them as attributes.

使用 keydown 和我在上面提供的 ASCII 事件代码,而不是 keypress 和你使用的奇数,如果你想让它在所有浏览器中工作.

Use keydown and the ASCII event codes I supplied above instead of keypress and the odd numbers you were using if you want it to work in all browsers.

编辑:您在另一篇帖子 您不能这样做,因为您希望在按住键时重复处理事件处理程序.请注意,您想要的行为是通过我在 Chrome、Safari、Firefox 和 IE 中的示例代码实现的(我没有要测试的 Opera).换句话说,keydown 可以按照您的意愿工作,尽管您认为它应该表现如何.

Edit: You complained in another post that you cannot do this because you want the event handler to be processed repeatedly as the key is held down. Note that your desired behavior is achieved with my sample code in Chrome, Safari, Firefox, and IE (I don't have Opera to test). In other words keydown works as you wanted, despite how you thought it should behave.

编辑 2:如果您想在文档顶部包含一个脚本块,在必须创建所有元素之前,您可以执行以下操作:

Edit 2: If you want to include a script block at the top of your document, before all elements have necessarily been created, you can do something like the following:

<svg ...>
  <script type="text/javascript">
      var circle = ...;


The outer function will only run once the page has loaded, so you can be sure that the elements exist to reference them.

这篇关于在 SVG 中包含 JavaScript的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!