

本文介绍了Visual Studio 2015 中的递归包含路径的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


所以我是使用 Visual Studio 的新手,我正在尝试创建一个项目来编译我现有的程序.该程序已经在 macOS 上使用 Xcode 编译.项目的文件夹结构如下所示:

So I'm new to using Visual Studio and I'm trying to create a project to compile my existing program. The program already is compiling on macOS using Xcode. The folder structure of the project looks like this:

main folder
    some code here
      some code here
      some code here
      Special Utility Folder
      some code here
      Rendering Utils

当我尝试将项目加载到 Visual Studio 时,我收到很多错误消息,说找不到头文件.我做了一些调查,似乎包含路径不是递归的.所以要包含来自 src/Utility 的文件,我必须写

When I tried to load the project up into Visual Studio, I got a lot of errors saying that the header files could not be found. I did some investigation and it seems like the include paths are not recursive. So to include a file from src/Utility I would have to write

#include "Utility/header.hpp"

但是项目中的所有代码都使用了include like

But all of the code in the project uses includes like

#include "header.hpp"

有没有办法让它在visual studio中工作?

Is there a way to get this to work in visual studio?

附言手动添加所有文件夹作为它们自己的包含路径工作,但随着项目的增长维护将很痛苦,特别是因为我的大部分工作将在 Xcode 中完成

P.s. manually adding all of the folders as their own include paths works, but it will be a pain to maintain as the project grows, especially since majority of my work will be done in Xcode



You can set the include paths for all the folders(it is not recursive) in the project properties:


  1. 右键单击项目,然后选择属性".
  2. 选择配置属性->C/C++->常规.
  3. 在 Additional Include Directories 下设置路径:即:. Debug Utility 等等..
  1. Right-click on the project, and select Properties.
  2. Select Configuration Properties->C/C++->General.
  3. Set the path under Additional Include Directories:i.e.: . Debug Utility etc..

也许您还可以使用 cmd 工具在 txt 文件中创建包含路径(即:IncludePath.txt).在该文件中,您可以添加包含文件夹:

Maybe you can also use a cmd tool to create the includes path in a txt file(i.e.: IncludePath.txt).Inside that file you can add the include folders:

/I "."
/I ".."
/I ".\Debug"
/I ".\Utility"

然后在 Additional Include Directories 下设置路径:

Then set the path under Additional Include Directories:


这篇关于Visual Studio 2015 中的递归包含路径的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-06 12:33