使用 AngularJS,我可以使用 ng-pristine
或 ng-dirty
With AngularJS, I can use ng-pristine
or ng-dirty
to detect if the user has entered the field. However, I want to do client-side validation only after the user has left the field area. This is because when a user enters a field like e-mail or phone, they will always get an error thrown until they've completed typing out their full e-mail, and this is not an optimal user experience.
Angular 现在附带一个自定义模糊事件:https://docs.angularjs.org/api/ng/directive/ngBlur
Angular now ships with a custom blur event:https://docs.angularjs.org/api/ng/directive/ngBlur
Angular 1.3 现在有 ng-model-options,你可以将选项设置为 { 'updateOn': 'blur'}
例如,你甚至可以去抖动,当用户输入太快,或者你想保存一些昂贵的 DOM 操作时(比如一个模型写入多个 DOM 位置,你不希望 $digest 循环发生在每个键下)
Angular 1.3 now has ng-model-options, and you can set the option to { 'updateOn': 'blur'}
for example, and you can even debounce, when the use is either typing too fast, or you want to save a few expensive DOM operations (like a model writing to multiple DOM places and you don't want a $digest cycle happening on every key down)
https://docs.angularjs.org/guide/forms#custom-triggers 和 https://docs.angularjs.org/guide/forms#non-immediate-debounced-model-更新
默认情况下,对内容的任何更改都会触发模型更新和表单验证.您可以使用ngModelOptions 指令仅绑定到指定的事件列表.IE.ng-model-options="{ updateOn: 'blur' }" 将更新和验证只有在控件失去焦点之后.您可以使用一个设置多个事件空格分隔的列表.IE.ng-model-options="{ updateOn: 'mousedown模糊'}"
您可以使用 debounce 键延迟模型更新/验证使用 ngModelOptions 指令.此延迟也适用于解析器、验证器和模型标志,如 $dirty 或 $pristine.
即ng-model-options="{ debounce: 500 }" 会等待半秒自触发模型更新之前的最后一次内容更改以来表单验证.
I.e. ng-model-options="{ debounce: 500 }" will wait for half a second since the last content change before triggering the model update and form validation.