本文介绍了修改 onHeadersReceived 上的标题的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


在我的 chrome 扩展中,我需要在浏览的每个站点的标题中添加一行.在 background.js 文件中,我添加了这样的代码:

In my chrome extension I need to add a line to header of every site browsed. In background.js file I add such code:

var responseListener = function(details){
    var rule = {
        "name": "Access-Control-Allow-Origin",
        "value": "*"
    return {responseHeaders: details.responseHeaders};

     {urls: [   "*://*/*" ] },
     ["blocking", "responseHeaders"]);


While debugging the handler is called and newly added header successfully passes any filters I have found upper in the stack. But it is not seen on network tab's Response headers section and does not effects any code. I use these permissions:

"tabs","<all_urls>", "http://*/*" ,"webRequest","webRequestBlocking", "webNavigation"

是否有新的政策或 API 更改不允许执行此类操作,或者我的 10 行代码中存在一些错误?

Is there a new policy or API changed which disallow to do such things or there is some bug in my 10 lines of a code?


Chrome 开发人员工具的网络"选项卡不会显示来自扩展程序的修改.请参阅 https://crbug.com/258064

The Network tab of the Chrome Developer tools does not show the modifications from extensions. See https://crbug.com/258064

如果您想查看您的扩展程序是否已成功修改请求,请访问 chrome://net-internals/#events,点击类型为 URL_REQUEST 的请求并查找 URL_REQUEST_DELEGATE 条目,例如URL_REQUEST_FAKE_RESPONSE_HEADERS_CREATED(这是通过 chrome 生成的日志条目的示例.declarativeWebRequest API) 或 "delegate_info = "extension [extension name]"(由 chrome.webRequest).

If you wish to see whether your extension has successfully modified a request, visit chrome://net-internals/#events, click on a request of type URL_REQUEST and look for URL_REQUEST_DELEGATE entries, e.g. URL_REQUEST_FAKE_RESPONSE_HEADERS_CREATED (this is an example of a log entry generated via the chrome.declarativeWebRequest API) or "delegate_info = "extension [extension name]" (generated by chrome.webRequest).

这篇关于修改 onHeadersReceived 上的标题的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-06 11:53