


hi friends i am using php mail function to deliver my mail to my group member, i am using smtp server but my mails are delivered in the spam folder instead of the inbox i did not create any spam filter in my mail id please guide how to solve this issue

$email = GetUserEmailID(GetUserIdfromNews($newsvl[$k]));
$username = GetUserAdminName(GetUserIdfromNews($newsvl[$k]));
$headers  = "MIME-Version: 1.0\r";
$headers .= "Content-type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1\r";
$headers .= "From: <$fromemail>";
$subject  = "Posted News has been Approved by Administrator";

$msg ="Hello <font color='#0000FF'>".ucfirst($username)."</font>\n\n<br><br>";
$msg.="Congrats, Your Last Posted News has been Approved by Administrator\n<br>";
// echo $msg." ".$subject." ".$email.
// " ".GetUserIdfromNews($newsvl[$k])." ".$newsvl[$k];
mail($email, $subject, $msg, $headers);


你试图弄清楚你的邮件是发送? mail()只是一个内置的功能,可以将邮件发送到本地SMA(例如 sendmail ),从指向它取决于您的计算机的配置。

Have you tried to figure out how was your mail being sent? mail() is simply a built-in function that deliver mail to the local SMA (e.g. sendmail), from that point on it's depend on your machine's configuration.


Most likely, as Pekka suggests, is that the recipient had determined that the SMTP server you are sending from is untrustworthy to send a mail claim to be from.

如果您无法控制您的php环境,请考虑使用来自免费但知名电子邮件提供商的服务器的库中的功能,例如GMail的SMTP-TLS服务器。您必须在表单字段中写入 [email protected] (您使用的任何帐户),但您可以分配一个回复-To 以显示被监控的实际电子邮件。

If you have no control over your php environment, consider using function from libraries that utilize servers from free but well-known e-mail providers, e.g. GMail's SMTP-TLS server. You have to write [email protected] (whatever account you are using) in the Form field, however you may assign an Reply-To to reveal the actual e-mail that is monitored.


08-06 11:00