




I'm trying to come up with a good enough anti-spamming mechanism to prevent automatically generated input. I've read that techniques like captcha, 1+1=? stuff work well, but they also present an extra step impeding the free quick use of the application (I'm not looking for anything like that please).

我尝试在所有表单中设置一些隐藏字段,使用 display: none;但是,我确信可以配置一个脚本来跟踪该表单字段 ID,而只是不填写它.

I've tried setting some hidden fields in all of my forms, with display: none;However, I'm certain a script can be configured to trace that form field id and simply not fill it.

您是否实施/知道一种很好的反自动填表机器人方法?是否可以通过 HTML 和/或服务器端处理无缝地完成某些事情,并且(几乎)是防弹的?(没有 JS 可以简单地禁用它).

Do you implement/know of a good anti automatic-form-filling-robots method? Is there something that can be done seamlessly with HTML AND/OR server side processing, and be (almost) bulletproof? (without JS as one could simply disable it).


I'm trying not to rely on sessions for this (i.e. counting how many times a button is clicked to prevent overloads).



An easy-to-implement but not fool-proof (especially on "specific" attacks) way of solving anti-spam is tracking the time between form-submit and page-load.


Bots request a page, parse the page and submit the form. This is fast.

人类输入 URL,加载页面,等待页面完全加载,向下滚动,阅读内容,决定是否评论/填写表单,填写表单需要时间,然后提交.

Humans type in a URL, load the page, wait before the page is fully loaded, scroll down, read content, decide wether to comment/fill in the form, require time to fill in the form, and submit.

时间上的差异可能很微妙;以及如何在没有 cookie 的情况下跟踪这个时间需要某种方式的服务器端数据库.这可能会影响性能.

The difference in time can be subtle; and how to track this time without cookies requires some way of server-side database. This may be an impact in performance.
Also you need to tweak the threshold-time.


08-06 10:59