

我有一个大小为 1044*1408 的图像 F,它只有 3 个整数值 0、2 和 3.

I have an image F of size 1044*1408, it only has 3 integer values 0, 2, and 3.

我想把它缩小到 360*480.现在我使用 Z= cv2.resize(F,(480,380)).但是 Z 是内插的,它有许多唯一值,不仅仅是 0、2 和 3.我不能只是将内插值四舍五入到最接近的整数,因为我会得到一些 1.

I want to shrink it to 360*480. Now I am using Z= cv2.resize(F,(480,380)). But Z is interpolated, it has many unique values, more than just 0, 2 and 3. I can't just round up the interpolated values to the closest integer, because I will get some 1s.

F 从 tif 文件中读取并操作,现在是一个 ndarray.所以我不能使用 PIL: F = F.resize((new_width, new_height)) 因为 F 不是来自 F = Image.open(*).

F is read from a tif file and manipulated, it is an ndarray now. So I can't use PIL: F = F.resize((new_width, new_height)) as F is not from F = Image.open(*).



Z= cv2.resize(F,(480,380),fx=0, fy=0, interpolation = cv2.INTER_NEAREST)


09-05 13:40