

本文介绍了是否可以使用 Google Analytics 来跟踪单个用户帐户?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



I've got a website that needs user logged in before they can use, I want to track the behavior of each single user. Is it possible to do this? Any advice? Thanks very much!



最简单的方法可能是定义一个作用域为访问者的自定义变量,并将其绑定到等于(混淆的)用户 ID(您在他们注册时分配给他们的 ID)的值:

The simplest way might be to define a Custom Variable scoped to the visitor, and bind it to the value equal to the (obfuscated) user's ID (the one you assigned them when they registered):

pageTracker._setCustomVar(1, "Registered TempID", "345X34RT", 1)

传递给自定义变量的四个参数是:槽号(任何整数 1 到 5,在这种情况下不会改变;TempID"是一个变量我为此变量选择的名称;TempID",该变量映射到的(但不得识别个人身份,否则会侵犯 Google 的隐私策略)注册用户;最后一个参数1"是范围,在这种情况下 i 是1",因为这个变量的范围是访问者).

The four arguments that you pass into a Custom Variable are: slot number (any integer 1 through 5, which won't change in this case; 'TempID' which is a variable name i chose for this variable; 'TempID', the value for that variable that maps to (but must not not personally identify or it will violate Google's Privacy Policy) a registered user; the final argument '1' is the scope, which i is '1' in this case because this variable is scoped to the visitor).

这个新变量通过调用 _trackPageview() 发送到 GA 服务器,因此请确保在调用 trackPageview() 之前设置自定义变量.

This new variable is sent to the GA server via a call to _trackPageview() so make sure you the custom variable is set before trackPageview() is called.

有很多优秀的资源,包括关于 GA 自定义变量的分步教程,包括 博客文章 由 ROI Analytics 撰写,被认为是最好的文章之一.

There are a several excellent resources, including step-by-step tutorials on GA Custom Variables, including a blog post by ROI Analytics, which is think is one of the best.

在 Google Analytics Web Client 中查看此自定义变量后,转到左侧面板并点击访问者标题;在此标题下的最后一项(以及下一个主要标题流量来源之前),您将看到自定义变量子标题.

Once you've done to view this Custom Variable in the Google Analytics Web Client, go to the left-hand panel and click on the Visitor heading; the last item under this heading (and just before the next major heading which is Traffic Sources) you will see the Custom Variables subheading.


This is where you can view the data for the custom variables you set. For instance, the panel will look something like this:

这篇关于是否可以使用 Google Analytics 来跟踪单个用户帐户?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-06 10:38