


I'm having trouble implementing in-app purchases in my mobile app.I want to implement in-app purchase in my application.can any one tell step by step procedure to implement in-app purchase in android application. I have googled and found many tutorials but they all are using old billing library version(1.2).I want to use latest version(2.2.0). Any sample project, tutorial...



These steps are based on my experience with version: 2.0.2. Since there are not any breaking changes in version: 2.2.0, the same applies to the maximum extent.


To start with BillingClient for in-app purchases:

  1. 必须使用 BillingClient.Builder 创建计费客户端.
  1. A billing client has to be created using BillingClient.Builder.
billingClient = BillingClient.newBuilder(applicationContext)
                .setListener(/* a PurchasesUpdatedListener object */)

enablePendingPurchase 方法必须在 build 之前调用,因为Google支持将来进行现金支付,否则billingClient创建失败.创建到 PurchaseUpdateListener.onPurchasesUpdated 方法以处理待处理的购买后,将触发回调.

enablePendingPurchase method has to be called before build, as Google supports cash payments in future, otherwise billingClient creation fails. A callback will be triggered after creation to PurchaseUpdateListener.onPurchasesUpdated method to handle pending purchases.

  1. 创建billingClient之后,启动billingClient连接.
billingClient.startConnection(/* a BillingClientStateListener object */)

BillingClientStateListener 有两种方法:一个在成功建立连接时触发,另一个在连接失败或断开连接时触发.billingClient连接应始终维护,重试机制应使用 onBillingServiceDisconnected 方法处理.

BillingClientStateListener has two methods; one triggers when the connection is successfully established and the other triggers when connection is failure or disconnected. billingClient connection should always be maintained and retry mechanism should be handled in onBillingServiceDisconnected method.

  1. 建立成功的连接后,使用billingClient的 querySkuDetailsAsync 方法进行调用,以异步方式获取'sku'详细信息.
  1. After establishing a successful connection, make a call with billingClient's querySkuDetailsAsync method to fetch 'sku' details asyncronously.
billingClient.querySkuDetailsAsync(skuDetailsParams, /* lambda or SkuDetailsResponseListener object*/)


This method fetches us the In-app purchasable products created by us in play store to display it in the UI or do whatever we want with it.

  1. (可选)使用billingClient的 queryPurchases 方法进行调用,以详细了解应用内购买的所有商品.
  1. (Optional) Make a call with billingClient's queryPurchases method to details for all items purchased within the app.
vaultBillingClient.queryPurchases(/* BillingClient.SkuType.SUBS or BillingClient.SkuType.INAPP */)


'SUBS' for subscription purchase details and 'INAPP' for one time in app purchases.

  1. 当用户尝试购买应用内或订阅产品时,请使用billngClient的 isFeatureSupported(BillingClient.FeatureType ./* SUBSCRIPTIONS或其他*/)方法检查该产品是否受支持,并调用billingClient的 launchBillingFlow 方法.
  1. When user tries to purchase a in-app or subscription product check if the product is supported using billngClient's isFeatureSupported(BillingClient.FeatureType./* SUBSCRIPTIONS or other */) method and make a call to billingClient's launchBillingFlow method.
billingClient.launchBillingFlow(activity, billingFlowParams)

可以使用 BillingFlowParams 构建器方法通过传递'sku'详细信息来构建

billingFlowParams.系统用户界面,即购买bottomSheet将会显示.购买完成后,将触发对步骤1中为billingClient指定的 PurchasesUpdatedListener.onPurchasesUpdated 方法的调用.

billingFlowParams can be built using BillingFlowParams builder method by passing 'sku' details. System UI i.e., purchase bottomSheet will be shown. After the purchase is finished a call will be triggered to PurchasesUpdatedListener.onPurchasesUpdated method given for billingClient in the step 1.

  1. 用户成功购买后,必须得到确认立即根据购买类型使用billingClient的 consumAsync acknowledgePurchase 方法之一.
  1. After a successful purchase by the user, it has to be acknowledged immediately using either of consumeAsync or acknowledgePurchase methods of billingClient based on purchase type.

acknowledgePurchaseParams是通过传递'purchaseToken'的 AcknowledgePurchaseParams 构建器方法构建的.确认应在验证购买之后进行.

acknowledgePurchaseParams is built with AcknowledgePurchaseParams builder method by passing 'purchaseToken'. Acknowledgment should be done after verifying purchase.

  1. 一旦确认购买并确认BillingClient,即可结清客户.

注意:- 对于上述所有步骤,"billingClient"连接均应完好无损.因此,重试断开机制.最好在应用打开后立即开始计费客户端连接,以使用户拥有所有购买的权利.此外,始终保持与计费客户端的连接也没有性能问题.但是,由开发人员决定如何授权用户购买.使用他的服务器或其他任何方式.

有关更多参考,请参阅文档: https://developer.android.com/google/play/billing/billing_library_overview

For further reference, refer the documentation: https://developer.android.com/google/play/billing/billing_library_overview


08-06 10:37