

我想使用android AccountManger 同步我的web服务与应用(联系人及压延标准同步)但是,的AccountManager 似乎只存储一个用户名和密码。我的网络服务有三个凭证:用户名,密码和帐号。什么是存储的第三个资料片的最佳做法?

I'd like to use the android AccountManger to sync my webservice and application (standard sync of contacts and calander) however, AccountManager only appears to store a username and password. My web service takes three credentials: a username, a password and an account. What is the best practice for storing the third piece of information?



As pablisco explained, you can use AccountManager's ability to store arbitrary user data through addAccountExplicitly()'s userData Bundle parameter:

    final Bundle extraData = new Bundle();
    extraData.putString("someKey", "stringData");
    boolean accountCreated = am.addAccountExplicitly(account, password, extraData);


Later on, for example in your Authenticator's getAuthToken() method, you can retrieve the data related to the account you are working with:

    String myData = am.getUserData(account, "someKey");


Unfortunately as of this writing you can only retrieve Strings, so your data should be stored as a String when you first build the Bundle. Hope this helps someone.


08-06 10:32