本文介绍了未定义的符号c ++问题的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧! 问题描述 29岁程序员,3月因学历无情被辞! 你好 i dono为什么turbo C会报告此错误。 http: //upcity.ir/images2/15114259861070390340.png [ ^ ] #include < graphics.h > #include < dos.h > #include < conio.h > void Drawcar(){ setcolor( 15 ); 行(spX [ 1 ],spY [ 1 ],spX [ 2 ],spY [ 2 ]); 行(spX [ 2 ],spY [ 2 ],spX [ 3 ],spY [ 3 ]); 行(spX [ 3 ],spY [ 3 ],spX [ 4 ],spY [ 4 ]); 行(spX [ 4 ],spY [ 4 ],spX [ 4 ],spY [ 4 ]); 行(spX [ 1 ],spY [ 1 ],spX [ 4 ],spY [ 4 ]); pieslice( 100 , 400 , 40 , 10 , 25 ); arc(spX [ 0 ],spY [ 0 ] = 75 ;, 90 , 190 , 30 ); circle( 100 , 400 , 25 ); } void move_sp( int a){ for ( int i = 0 ; i< = 20 ; i ++){ spX [i] + = a; spY [i] + = a; Drawcar(); } } int main(){ int g = DETECT,m; initgraph(& g,& m, c:\\turboc3 \\ BGI); public int spX [ 20 ] = { 0 }; public int spY [ 20 ] = { 0 }; spX [ 0 ] = 75 ; spY [ 0 ] = 375 ; spX [ 1 ] = 75 ; spY [ 1 ] = 345 ; spX [ 2 ] = 125 ; spY [ 2 ] = 300 ; spX [ 3 ] = 225 ; spY [ 3 ] = 330 ; spX [ 4 ] = 275 ; spY [ 4 ] = 345 ; spX [ 5 ] = 300 ; spY [ 5 ] = 350 ; move_sp( 1 ); getch(); closegraph(); return 0 ; } 什么是解决方案 因为DrawCar不是Main函数的一部分!它也不是...... 将公共变量移出主方法并进入类的主体。 我不知道为什么Turbo C不会抱怨用户使用public关键字,但这可能是因为它是一个非常古老的编译器... helloi dono why turbo C reports this error.http://upcity.ir/images2/15114259861070390340.png[^]#include<graphics.h>#include<dos.h>#include<conio.h>void Drawcar(){setcolor(15);line(spX[1],spY[1],spX[2],spY[2]);line(spX[2],spY[2],spX[3],spY[3]);line(spX[3],spY[3],spX[4],spY[4]);line(spX[4],spY[4],spX[4],spY[4]);line(spX[1],spY[1],spX[4],spY[4]);pieslice(100,400,40,10,25);arc(spX[0],spY[0]=75;,90,190,30);circle(100,400,25);}void move_sp(int a){for(int i=0;i<=20;i++){spX[i]+=a;spY[i]+=a;Drawcar();}}int main(){int g=DETECT,m;initgraph(&g,&m,"c:\\turboc3\\bgi");public int spX[20]={0};public int spY[20]={0};spX[0]=75;spY[0]=375;spX[1]=75;spY[1]=345;spX[2]=125;spY[2]=300;spX[3]=225;spY[3]=330;spX[4]=275;spY[4]=345;spX[5]=300;spY[5]=350;move_sp(1);getch();closegraph();return 0;}what''s 解决方案 Because DrawCar is not a part of the Main function! Nor can it be...Move your public variables out of the main method and into the main body of the class.I have no idea why Turbo C isn''t complaining about the user of the "public" keyword on them, but it''s probably because it''s a very old compiler... 这篇关于未定义的符号c ++问题的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持! 上岸,阿里云!
08-06 10:00