Basically I want to print the below value as either "true", "false" or "nil". If I try just using the wrapped value I get the "nil" I want but gain the unwanted "Optional(true)" or "Optional(false). If I force unwrap the value and the value is nil I get a fatal error. I tried the below code as I've seen it work for Strings but because "nil" is not of type Bool it's not accepted. Any solutions to this?
var isReal: Bool?
String("Value is \(isReal ?? "nil")")
I'm exporting to a csv file and it's useful to know if this value is true or false or hasn't been checked yet.
var isReal: Bool?
let s = "Value is \(isReal.map { String($0) } ?? "nil")"
print(s) // "Value is nil"
extension Optional {
var descriptionOrNil: String {
return self.map { "\($0)" } ?? "nil"
var isReal: Bool?
let s = "Value is \(isReal.descriptionOrNil)"
print(s) // "Value is nil"
and this works with all optional types.
这篇关于Swift 4:以非包装的true或false或包装为nil的形式输出Bool可选件吗?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!