




I have a C# Windows Service that starts up various objects (Class libraries). Each of these objects has its own "processing" logic that start up multiple long running processing threads by using the ThreadPool. I have one example, just like this:

System.Threading.ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(new System.Threading.WaitCallback(WorkerThread_Processing));


This works great. My app works with no issues, and my threads work well.

现在,为了进行回归测试,我正在从C#控制台应用程序而不是Windows Service启动这些相同的对象.它调用的是完全相同的代码(因为它正在调用相同的对象),但是WorkerThread_Processing方法在启动之前最多延迟20秒.

Now, for regression testing, I am starting those same objects up, but from a C# Console app rather than a Windows Service. It calls the same exact code (because it is invoking the same objects), however the WorkerThread_Processing method delays for up to 20 seconds before starting.


I have gone in and switched from the ThreadPool to a Thread, and the issue goes away. What could be happening here? I know that I am not over the MaxThreads count (I am starting 20 threads max).



The ThreadPool is specifically not intended for long-running items (more specifically, you aren't even necessarily starting up new threads when you use the ThreadPool, as its purpose is to spread the tasks over a limited number of threads).


If your task is long running, you should either break it up into logical sections that are put on the ThreadPool (or use the new Task framework), or spin up your own Thread object.

关于原因,您遇到延迟的原因, ThreadPool的MSDN文档说:

As to why you're experiencing the delay, the MSDN Documentation for the ThreadPool class says the following:


You only know that the ThreadPool hasn't reached its maximum thread count, not how many threads (if any) it actually has sitting idle.


08-06 09:08