



我最近发现了 SO_REUSEADDR 的窗口;并通过tomcat的使用这个。

I recently found out about SO_REUSEADDR on windows; and that tomcat uses this by default.

我做了一个小测试,以找出当另一个进程也听相同的端口会发生什么。在我的情况的另一个过程是的netcat 。结果令人惊讶:

I did a small test to find out what happens when another process is also listening to the same port. The other process in my case was netcat. The results were surprising:

  • 不管我是否启动 NC 的netcat )第一或的tomcat ,如果从Tomcat的响应

  • 如果我停止与它的斌/ tomcat的tomcat.bat 也杀死了 NC 过程

  • 如果我通过中止进程,然后NC能够到下一个连接回应停止Tomcat

  • Irrespective of whether I start nc (netcat) first or tomcat, the response if from tomcat
  • If I stop tomcat with its bin/tomcat.bat it also kills the nc process
  • If I stop tomcat by killing the process then nc is able to respond to the next connection


What magic is this? How is tomcat always able to grab incoming request? Is this (tomcat will serve all connections even if other processes are listening) guaranteed behavior? I cannot imagine how it can be guaranteed but thought to ask.



I was able to answer this from the question that user nos asked in response to my other question.

我意识到,因为我是用的wget的http://本地主机:8080 在我的测试中,它使用的IPv6 只tomcat的在听上。

I realized that since I was using wget http://localhost:8080 in my test, it was using IPv6 which only tomcat was listening on.

当我改成了 我看到了完全不同的行为。

When I changed it to I saw completely different behavior.


08-06 08:33